Is it safe to take public transport in your country?

Is it safe to take public transport in your country?

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Absolutely not.

there was a train crash with 5 dead here yesterday

Imagine the smell.

I haven't used it since last year, but the time, it was safe idk now

>50 yo trains

what happened in this pic? also no, in my city we just have buses full of drug addicts and beleaguered poor people

Dat wyte gurl gon be raped

I live in a thirdie shithole and I have never had a bad experience with public transport except for delays


You telling me that you've never had a random schizo drug addict screaming on the train and kicking things?

I took public transport in ''dangerous'' zone on a regular basis and never had problem for some reason

I take a train to collage every day and the worst thing I have saw so far is a drunk person knocked out on the chair.

Not for hot women or twink men

Yeah. I take the bus often, Only dangerous thing that happened to me was a drunk guy almost throwing up on me.

Wtf. I'm moving to Slovakia.


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I've had some close calls, but every night I roll the dice.

I took the Metro once from JFK Airport to Manhattan because it was just a few $, much cheaper than a taxi.

I was warned "not to get out and not to speak to anyone".
There was a drunk black guy on my carriage.
I gave him 1$ and he said thanks.

Migrants enjoying la bella vita and chimping out

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If I feel sad I'll just take a holiday down to Greece for a couple days. It's literally impossible to suffer because living in Europe gives you access to endless nature, history and culture.

>living in Europe gives you access to endless nature, history and culture.
This only applies for Western Europe. Eastern Europe is nothing but a wasteland full of slav*(s)

I'm getting my driver's license this summer, finally got a gf and I won't let her take the ghetto express home late at night. Fuck SL and fuck cuckholm.

didn't know there were that many blacks in italy

It seems those italian girls were waiting for their black boyfriends to come home

which sub-Saharan African country has white girls?!