I'm sick of faggy "le epic viking" movies

I'm sick of faggy "le epic viking" movies.
When will we get a movie about Christian Anglo-Saxons defending their lands from marauding pagan snownigger pirates?

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When will you shut the fuck up

Ironic because the Sutton Hoo mask wearer was a pagan Angle, they didn’t christianize for another 50-100 years

But I agree vikings are worn out. How about some late Roman versus Gothic or Hunnic kino?

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We won't, because Christians have been shat on by Hollywood Jews for decades now. And considering the fact that the uself idiot le pagan LARPER audience will cheer this on, societal subversion and the shitting on of christians will continue

when am i gonna get my sea people vs egyptian empire kino

Just want more American frontier cowboy kino. That or pirates. Bring back 60’s cinema

>I'm sick of faggy "le epic viking" movies.
>But I agree vikings are worn out.
Name 3 films made in the last 20 years.
Now that would be something. Monkeypaw it would be capeshit stylistic like 300 with slow-mo and shitty rock music action scenes.

>Tfw still no movie about the battle of wills between Stilicho and Alaric only for Stilicho to get murdered by a jealous emperor and Alaric goes on to sack Rome.

Unfortunately probably never, we barely get medieval kino as it is, much less early medieval kino

The general consensus it that the king buried at Sutton Hoo was Raedwald of East Anglia, who was the first Anglo-Saxon king to convert to Christianity ca 600 AD and who set the trend for the rest of the century. By 680, paganism in England was considered extinct. Incidentally, the kingdom of the Franks, which was otherwise Christian since the 500s, wasn't completely Christianized til after 800 when Charlemagne went to war against the Saxons, who were the last holdouts.

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Saxons were pagans aswell retard. The Christianization happened after Charles the great.

never EVER

>tfw hollywood makes Rome ca 400 AD look exactly the same to Rome ca 50 AD

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Anglo Saxons were themselves pagans from Germany when they invaded Briton and displaced the Romano-Britons and Celts
It was the Once and Future King of the Britons King Arthur who alone successfully did battle with this pagan horde to stem their advance
When will we get a movie about the fact that the English are nothing more than GERMANIC scum occupying Briton and oppressing its true people?

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The Anglo-Saxons are the Germanic peoples that invaded and colonized the British isles in the 400s AD from regions now comprising northern Germany and Denmark. The continental "Old" Saxons are the remnants who remained in their ancestral homelands in the hinterlands of the Carolingian empire.

does the Merlin miniseries from 1998 with Sam Neill count?

Only op said anything about films, you have vikings, last kingdom, and a whole bunch of video games and other pop culture things

I thought it was less of a consensus and more of one theory. There’s nothing definitively linking it to him, right? There would have been many Angle kings throughout the late 500s-early 600s.

Also the mask has garnets on one eye only, which in the light would flicker and is reminiscent of one-eyed Woden. That could be a cultural leftover though even if the king was christian or not

there were references to woden in anglo saxon poems from the 11th century lmao

Who cares about Asian migrants?

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Cadbury hill fort
The most probable location for Arthurs capitol

"Camelot" is a French invention.
Prior to it the Norman chroniclers identified his capitol with Caerleon, which is a real town in Wales and the site of a Roman fort so it might have been their intention but Caer is Welsh for fort and many locations contain variations of the name
And before that the Welsh folktales identified it with a location called Celliwig in Cornwall - and Cornwall would have in those days been part of the kingdom of Dumnonia which also included Somerset the locationf Cadbury

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