What a bunch of wank

what a bunch of wank

Attached: MV5BMTkxNzI3ODI4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjkwMjY4MjE@._V1_.jpg (1382x2048, 248.71K)

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It was based and you got filtered

Based on a true story about a guy who got filtered by a fellow zogbot. I stood up and saluted when it was over.

brave golem of israel

da terrerwrists hate us cause we be free

I'm curious how much of this is actually true. Chris Kyle is known to have told a few tall tales in his life. He has the record for most confirmed kills as a sniper, but like half of this movie is him going on weird SEALS missions or leaving his post to just go take command of a Marine unit. Like does he really have the authority to just abandon his sniper nest and go order around a bunch of marines? They're not even in the same military branch.

Military culture especially after 9/11 is cringe, I can agree.
No they don't lmao they do it for gibs

of course it's untrue


I just wanted to shoot shitskins honestly


he was a pathological liar and was sued for slander cause of stuff written in his book

>Any Forumsack
>not white
checks out

>I just wanted to shoot shitskins honestly

Attached: 1621326328619.gif (345x395, 3.86M)

Why did he get such a massive funeral procession? My grandpa got a bronze star in World War 2 and he didn't get shit when he died.

maybe 20%

i wanna slap the fuck out of you, its called decentralized command

You want to slap me for asking a question? He doesn't even consult a commanding officer, he just leaves and goes down to tell the marines what to do. Does he really have that authority? Wouldn't he need to consult with a commanding officer if he would be allowed to do that before just going down and doing it? Are SEALs allowed to just do whatever the fuck they want?

I just explained it to you, yes he does have that authority, actually is was worse irl, it was a blue on blue with marines but i doubt you know what that means

No I have no idea what it means, I was never in the military. That seems to upset you though, so I'm just going to assume you're a weird angry guy.

Wanting to shoot shitskins is soi now?

Attached: .png (679x403, 400.25K)

I just looked it up. Friendly fire? Okay. So Chris Kyle left his sniper nest without consulting whoever was in charge of the mission to go order marines to go shoot at other marines? Seems like something that shouldn't be happening to be honest.

blue on blue is when the net get overloaded and you dont know your own guys from others, we cooked a lot of frags at our own troops because of everyone talking over each other on the net, luckly no one was killed by friendly fire in that scenario