What kind of kino is he going to make?

what kind of kino is he going to make?

Attached: shapirokino.png (584x604, 292.24K)

Nice can't wait for some Israel kino

>$100 mill just for the vanity project of someone whose big draw is owning the libtards on twitter
How did this little jew get such a high net worth?

making money targeting kids is literally the laziest, most dishonest, low effort attempt at life. just look at youtube.

>How did this little jew get such a high net worth?
because troon shit has gotten so bad people are looking for an outlet, any outlet. They're just smart enough to position themselves as that outlet

Circumcision and Israel propaganda.

He'll be turning kids into zogbots instead of trannies.

Yeah Disney we're coming for you!

Where the fuck is Ben getting this much money? Is he liquidating his obligatory Jew gold reserves?

>implying that's worse

Ben "I dont care about the browning of America" Shapiro.

Probably some shit about how trannies are bad for society but totally heckin valid and should be respected and that white people have to extinct

lmao do you think he's bankrolling this himself? why dont you google who funds the dailywire user

>I dont care about the browning of America
how is that not a true statement though? Culture dictates American values, not skin color

He’s a Jew (self explanatory) and a civic nationalist (major cuck gay niggers)

Trannies are just zogbots+

>reading stuff that's not there

>when you are so brain broken by culture war nonsense you support the Zionist military complex
Right-wingers are mentally ill folks

Nice B8. America was founded by white men for white men. American culture is based off things that only aryan men could preserve, brown races are too stupid too and lack honor.

Sure thing Ben, sure thing.

Nothing controversial because at the end of the day conservatives are pussies and will never outright say how they feel about shit. His movies will feature things like strong father figures, stay at home moms, nuclear family structures, etc., but nothing controversial.

they need put all 100 million into murdoch murdoch and make the show for 0 budget like usual and just use all the money to advertise it

Attached: 423423434623.jpg (900x900, 224.15K)

Ok, this is epic
>Left wing status: DESTROYED

Who tf does little Ben have 100 million to invest in this shit?

Jews are better than troons. There, I said it

Brainwashing children is trashy as fuck. Don't care if its left or right wing polemics or religious fervor.

Simply expressing logical and wholesome opinions. Crazy I know

American culture is a casino owning con artist president funded primarily by casino owning Zionists. The American right is built off fear, lying schemes, endless fountains of Zionist money and defense contracts. There is no honor or whatever other values you’re talking about present. It’s nakedly transactional, and that’s the elements that align more with you

The Jew is playing both sides.
Won't be as overt
It'll be this, absolutely this.
>Trannies and people that based their civilization in Roman ethics are a problem kids

if you don't do it, your enemy will

DW has big money behind it. Wilks brothers and other jews are investors.