What's the message?

What's the message?

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That rich people have no emotions and should be deceived accordingly

The entire plot is about manipulating and killing rich people

Rich Koreans are plastic personality wise just like their faces

shit movie put a pedastal by asian worshippers

>rich people are le bad
>society owes me money even though I don't have a job (this is why we need communism)
>but the rich people are the real parasites not me because reasons

Something about Squids, I dunno

Don't steal other people's jobs otherwise some basement gremlin will kill your employer and daughter.

It's about being born against your will and then waiting a little and then dying. And doing a bunch of stuff in between like subverting and wage slaving and making babies so that the babies can do the same. And the babies babies do the same, and the babies babies do the same and the babies babies babies do the same, forever and ever for no reason at all, except for whatever your delusional imaginations can come up with.


poor ppl smell like poo-poo-pee-pee

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Forgot to add pic-related.

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>The entire plot is about manipulating and killing rich people
And it's not shown or implied to be a good thing. The rich are presented as vacuous but the poor are shown to be ruthless and lacking in compassion for their fellow poor.

haha this is exactly how me and my sister reacted when we watched it

Did you watch the movie? The poor all have jobs, hell that's half the plot, it's the rich woman who's coasting through life.

That poor people are awful and worse than the perceived snobs.

They don't have any interactions with other poors, fuck you for defending the rich I hope Ki-taek stabs you like he stabs the dad

It's honestly one of the only recent best movie Oscars that actually works really well as entertainment, rather than just as a way for Hollywood to signal loudly that they care about social issues.

>They don't have any interactions with other poors
Have you even watched the movie? They scam all the previous employees out of their jobs and literally end up killing 2 of them, more than they kill rich people.
I said literally nothing positive about the rich so you'd have to be retarded to think I'm defending them.
I was genuinely surprised by how negatively the movie portrays the poor given how most of the critics both positive and negative were talking about the movie like it was as nuanced as a Charlie Chaplin movie regarding wealth disparity.

None of the other workers are poor lmao
The tutor is rich, driver is rich, housekeeper is a rich hag with a criminal husband

Any Forums refuses to discuss this movie..

There's no logic to this movie. The retarded man living in the basement barely made any sense. The poor family had no reason to let the old lady back into the home when they were partying. The son had no reason to ignore the girl he liked and take the huge rock downstairs into the basement, freeing the retarded man that barely made sense. It was only regarded so highly by the Oscars because it was a foreign movie. If it was a movie starring white people this wouldn't be talked about at all.

Do you want to watch a really good Korean flick? Try out The Handmaiden.