Why is Western media so obsessed with Japanese birthrates? It's not even that bad compared to other developed countries...

Why is Western media so obsessed with Japanese birthrates? It's not even that bad compared to other developed countries. I swear it's some kind of conspiracy against Japan

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Because you need to start accepting Asian immigrants. We need you to become the America of the east. If not then you are basically worthless to us. We don't need more dead weight. We already carry the entirety of europe.

lmao korean birthrates are actually worse but i suppose you guys are just more relevant

I like how you think that whenever like 20 articles get made about japan you think that the entirety of 300 million people give a shit

I honestly think it's projection, they love to talk about how japanese people won't have children, no longer want to leave the house, etc etc but ignore the same things happening in their own countries

we want you to create breeding visas so we can have sexo

You’re correct. It is.

It’s like only India is recognised for streetshitting while they are nations that have higher portions of streetshitters

Because it's unprecedented.

Attached: japan multicultural.png (843x777, 610.18K)

Brazil is the favela nation, being one of most riches latam niggas

you have an ethnostate, they are trying to convince us that immigration is necessary.

Then how about stop making all shits about us and Focus other countries?
Russia lost 1million population in last year 1 fucking million yet nobody talking about that why?Because It's not about Japan

>you have an ethnostate

Attached: japan foreigners.png (454x420, 20.54K)

Fuck you american dog. Ill nuke your entire nation

If we talk about declining birth rates of whites then it's rayciss n sheeit because it "acknowledges" white genocide
But Asians are increasingly being pushed out of POC so expect Japan to be white, either by status or actually white because of ethnic replacement in around 100 years

>not an ethnostate

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Shut up we will nuke america genocide all 300 million of you and end the globohomo and rape white womin.
The greater japanese empire will rise again

2% of their population are foreigner residents? ok..

That number is increasing as the Japanese population declines.

alright but they're not muzzdogs that have sex at a higher rate than the natives are they
