Which is the best Bond movie and why is it Goldeneye?

Which is the best Bond movie and why is it Goldeneye?

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Goldeneye but im biased because the game was awesome and my first fps


>and my first fps
no PCs in your third world country to play doom on?

The Man With The Golden Gun

GoldenEye and I haven't played the game.
Followed by Casino Royale.

Goldfinger is the best pre-Dalton movie.

I grew up with it and Brosnan was my first Bond.
The plot, the cast, the tone, the score is all perfect.

I preferex goldeneye for single player desu
Perfect Dark was better however

My favorite

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I grew up with goldeneye, TWINE and perfect dark

I actually liked TWINE more as a game but probably goldeneye more as a movie

>Brosnan is perfect mix of cheesy and fun
>Sean Bean is a good character villain
>Prime Famke Janssen as an OTT femme fatale
>Prime Izabella Scorupco as a lovable nerd waifu
>Peak '90s action movie kitsch that's timeless even when the tech is dated
>The game only made it better

Only downside is I think The World Is Not Enough had a much better theme song.

Brosnan had the perfect chad/alpha male aura.

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Still does.

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If I want Pierce Brosnan cheese I'll just watch Remington Steele. Moore or nothing.

why would a third world country not use ps1s?

Consoles were more expensive than PCs in a lot of places. It's why PC gaming is so much more established in eastern Europe.

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Based, LALD is also one of the best.
Has THE best Bond song in the entire saga.


So many negroes It looks like a Netflix medieval flick