How do you stop him?

How do you stop him?

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why stop him when you could join him

Wear a Spock mask and chase him with a bigger knife.

Isn't he just a guy? I shoot him in the head.

sent big titty bimbo and swat team to blow him up like Jason Goes To Hell

Encase him in a drillshaft plugged with cement

make love to him

Get vaccinated plus the boosters.

this. i hear they give you retarded strength

Open the box get pinhead to call kreuger and jason to spitroast him with blades

You should realize user that nobody can stop William Shatner

I might not be able to stop him, but I can cum on his mask and laugh while he stabs me to death. His next victim will be like "why is there cum on his mask?"

hes a tard ill just sock him in the head

Pretend to be his mother father brother sister until one of them works and hes like woah this dude knows my .... maybe I shouldnt kill him because he is actually really cool and I feed him alist of people that his family member is telling him to kill and I say see Ive got to go now and leave never seeing him again

A real man does not think of victory or defeat, but cums recklessly onto certain death

Shoot him in the head. The one scene I hate from the 2018 movie is where Laurie HAS A GUN and just shoots him in the shoulder. SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD, RETARD.

Do you really thing you can get yourself to cum in a life-treatening situation like that?

I like the rob zombie reboots despite "real" halloween fans probably turning their nose up at it, I enjoyed how it was more like yeah he's just a fucked up kid as opposed to a supernatural monster.

Anyway, it's a fucking horror film. I refuse to use my logic during them.

How about when he was stabbing his sister to death 40 times and she just lays there trying to get him off.. he's half ur size bitch just run

In real life? Just shoot him because a man dies from bullets in real life.

In the films? Dismember him and lock his limbs and head in separate boxes. Since he doesn’t seem to be able to die, you can at least neutralize him.

I wouldnt say a single word to him. I would listen to what he had to say, and thats what no one did

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>put on fireman gear
>fill house with carbon monoxide


I would allow him to put his mask on and grab a knife as I surround him along with a big group of stay at home parents then attack him one at a time but not hitting hard enough to do any real damage

>make a pitfall 20 ft deep
>lure him into it
>pour cement into it and cover it up
Problem solved.

he got shot twice in fucking eyes in halloween 2 and he survived it

text Jason

ship him to Israel

i kill myself and then kill him

just don't have sex, drink, or do drugs and you will escape

He tanked that in the second movie and had to be set on fire and blown the fuck up afterwards.


Cancel him on twitter

he has a mask on so he obviously got the clotshot, he'll die within a few weeks

tell Chinese people that he can give you luck, prosperity, and a bigger dick if you consume him in powder form

>he doesn't know

>Kills Stacies and Chads
I give him a smartphone and a headset and become his tech guy to help him become more efficient.

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by not watching his shitty movies

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Maybe in the old days, Michael strangled a kid to death in 2018. He sounded gay though so maybe Mikey counts being raped as sex too.

evil dies tonight

Id kick him in the nuts

laurie smokes weed in the first movie

>reddit dog