Do you like Argentina?

Do you like Argentina?

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I can't wait for the argentinian race to die, we need to import at least ten million africans to breed their women.


despise thirdie classrooms
they always look so grim

burn them all

Only if I get to breed picrel

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>The blonde one

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imagine being this obsessed

still better than the rest of latrino america

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I'm SO glad for school uniforms

what are you talking about? schools outside of Moscow look out of STALKER, even mutant wise.

>Nooo you cant just hair dye if youre brown, only white roasties are allowed to fraud their hair

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Kek, many people not like brazilians, argentinians and peruvians, because we made people seeth with our arrogance, lol

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Island """nations""" don't have the right to an opinion.

Chuds were so so so mad about this



This is true, since are three nations that most trolled people in Online Games...

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>that glorious Peru jersey

isn't that some tiktok shit


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