What SCIFI should I watch?

I am drunk and I want to see a scifi, preferably with pew pew but perhaps an "intelligent" one as well. I have seen Aliens many times while drunk, and it serves. But I want something new.

I have seen most of the famous ones.
Is there anyone that might have flow under my radar. 80's aesthetic is ok as long as the movie is not shit. I have seen Bladerunner.

I was thinking about watching Solaris because I haven't seen that one, but I heard its very "talkie talkie" and not at all "shootie shootie", which I would prefer. Space ships flying around! Alien monsters!

Fantasy is also ok to give as tips. I could substitute scifi for that.

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Did you see Ad Astra? It's a bit derivative but had great production design and atmosphere.

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Predator has a lot of shooty shooty

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Ungrateful OP doesn't respond to anyone's suggestions.

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Yeah Solaris kinda sucks. Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev is all I ever cared about and from what I could tell it's a literal masterpiece but its some middle ages shit.

I was in the kitchen making noodle soup.
I think I will give forbidden planet a look.
Which movies is that that Kurt Russel user posted?

I have seen 1 % 2.
Tbh I think I have seen pretty much everything.
Just wanted to see if some user would jog my memory.
"Oh yeah. That one! I'll give that a watch gain".

Starship Troopers is essential.

he said shooty shooty not talky talky and you gave him the most boring sci fi suggestion of the past 30 years. nigga learn to read. that's why you like that shit movie you're a fucking idiot.


Ad Astra has good action you sneedcel, it's sparser than Star Wars but lightyears from Solaris.

Cheers. I think that one is a modern bit that have actually missed. I am watching Forbidden Planet now and it is olden times comfy and serves the purpose for tonight. I'll check on Kurt later.

Thanks for the tips frens!

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Blade Runner 2049

Enjoy frendo

Dark City
Ex Machina
Edge of Tomorrow

Masters of the Universe is a pretty comfy watch if you're just sitting in getting drunk by yourself. youtu.be/CF20B8p4F08

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I watched the first Terminator again recently and was surprised how great it was

Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
Alien invasion spy thriller with giant monsters duking it out to an amazing jazz score. It's top zilla imo

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