Live your myth in Finland

Live your myth in Finland.

Attached: loskapaska.jpg (468x300, 40.22K)

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already living one like that

I suffer in Finland

how bad is it to live around snowy roads and such?
is it really that bad?

no. walking when all ground is covered with a layer of ice really sucks though

What you think?

>dry snow
no problem
>wet snow


>dry snow
Funny and crunchy
>wet half melted mush of dirt and snow

firsties don't know about this ancient technology

Attached: D_NQ_NP_753607-MLA46199402337_052021-W.jpg (520x568, 50.48K)

*blocks ur path*

Attached: nokia boots.jpg (800x800, 84.55K)

'mirin the heel reinforcement, looks sturdy
but the shiny black leather finish looks gay desu
knee high leather boots are mainly used by middle aged women here, pic related

Attached: bota-polo-m-argentina.jpg (570x675, 28.79K)

Gay sexo u are after?
its not leather but rubber, son.

City winters suck because slush and dirt.
Where I live (pic related) winters are ok.
There's actually snow and not a bunch of pollution.

Attached: Phantom_DJ_20201026_HD_FULL_AUTOGYRO_FULL FOCUS_DARK.jpg (5400x2793, 2.96M)

>shiny black leather

Attached: 1649872507444.jpg (500x500, 57.73K)

I said shiny black leather "finish"
like it looks like leather but isnt

Attached: 1644668558693.gif (406x281, 219.87K)

They are rubber, not leather. Leather gets destroyed extremely quick in the mess that is snowmelt, salt and other chemicals.

I wear pic related in the winter.

Attached: Dunlop.jpg (1621x1930, 767.76K)

Illegal housing. Failure to return to your suicide cube in malmö will result in permanent off-world reasignment.

I have around 20-22 hours drive to Malmö or something. The furthest south I have been is Umeå.

greta enforcement squad will arrive shortly

I like snow

Attached: kashmir.jpg (1200x800, 198.95K)
Pls visit Finlan next winter kind sir.

I live in snow

but i shall visit the country of simo hähyä

You need to get strong highboots and good ones. Makes a world of difference and it doesnt actually feel that bad once you do.