Hey loser, we're about to make kino

hey loser, we're about to make kino

you in?

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Kill everyone in the image

Everyone is insultingly untalented save my man Denis

No less than five people in this image have raped a child and ate them after.

Holy shit look at those people. It's like a certain corner of privileged humanity got sucked up into this vortex of insufferable mediocrity

It's so strange how some people morphed into these creatures. I mean a lot of baby boomers did not have this basedfacing vibe but this gen x neolib media egregore absorbed them and turned them into these deadeyed, shrill freaks



Sometimes I'm glad there is a Hell

Literally like 99% of these people will wretchedly suffer there eternally


When you’re a 10 year old stepping out of the shipping container on Little Saint James

I’ve never seen so much no talent in one image

someone post the simpsons version

Praise God

Are we?!

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Spielberg made some genuine popular masterpieces. The others I don't care for at all. Especially that reddit cretin in the upper left

Del Toro has to cool it with the soi
Denis would fight your for calling Spielberg untalented

I honestly don't quite know how to interpret the phenomenon of this category of person emerging like an epidemic in the last 7 years. I am kind of morally against just dismissing anyone for being how they were born, but I don't think these people were born as this, I think it's a viral metaperson, a mass interiority spawned from a certain pattern / convergence of categorically evil and lame qualities and transforming them into this from the inside out. I don't judge anyone for a weak chin or anything like that, but it's more this inner character that they willfully identified with and adopted and which replicated itself across social media. It's completely unambiguously bad but it doesn't even have the excuse / justification of being cool or sexy or artistically generative. Part of its makeup is a strange political commitment to mediocrity

And it's not nerdiness either. There are nerds and losers I can sympathize with, and who still have dignity and who aren't tepid and lame. But these are like Geek Culture social media reddit Geeks and an adjacent political superstructure of sellout liberals who became total shameless shills

honestly del toro is so shit he doesn't belong

I don't are for Del Toro really.

Funnily enough Spielberg is the only one here with any actual relevance. Although he really fell off
