Remake is better than original

>remake is better than original

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Zoomer bait

Isn't this the prequel?


It’s a prequel you dumb zoomer faggot

it's a prequel

it wasnt terrible, in fact I rather enjoyed it but better than the orig? pic related

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stop posting until you understand what's going on

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You tried. You failed. Have a (You).

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Eternal Summer: The Thread.

The Kurt Russel Thing movie is actually a remake of a much older movie. As a remake, it is way better than the original, which was about an evil carrot man or some shit. The Thing prequel was a pile of hot liquid shit that was made to launder money and earn some easy cash from retards.

stfu retard, your taste in movies is liquid shit and you are fat and smelly which is why you never get any pussy

The one with MEW? Pure shit, only interesting part was the spaceship. The metal thing was fucking retarded and unnecessary.

see? i aint no thing

This nigga wants to start fights

>remake is better than original

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It was pretty sweet how PUTA CUNT burnt the Aussie though

yes, but not his remake. you of course mean the original 1982 remake

Did you know that they created a lot of pratical effects for the Thing but ultimately went with CGI instead?

Someone on r/AmongUs recommended me this movie and said its basically Among Us horror movie and I think um.... its not really... good?

It's boring first to start off with and its not funny and theres no Among Us memes and confusing like I don't know who is the imposter at the end of the movie and why does the imposter turn into a dog monster.

Really weird movie maybe it would be better if it wasn't so long

The remake. Sorry

i can’t believe they hired a studio to make a shitload of cool practical effects and then the shithead producers came in and vetoed it so they did everything in CGI.

Why did it look trash wthen old mate formed with the other

The Thing is not a remake, it's an adapted story of a book.

is this anti-trolling where it's so obvious people will point out how obvious it is, thus the troll being successful?

I reddit space too but only because I'm drunk and high half the time, also I didn't finish 10th grade endlish.
