5 minutes in and I can’t fucking stand how everyone talks like the internet thinks British people talk...

5 minutes in and I can’t fucking stand how everyone talks like the internet thinks British people talk. We don’t constantly say “oi mate slag nattering a the bloody tele!”

Attached: 8CCFC79C-0897-4922-A83D-A58E9162513A.jpg (652x436, 185.01K)

stfu bong. You do talk like that.

Most bongs I know talk exactly like that

wait you're actually watching this shit ahahahaha

>British people hear the accents in a fantasy setting
>Are always compelled to complain about how its not realistic
Its fantasy. Its not real. You should be happy anyone cares enough about your irrelevant islands at all enough to remember your accents exist. Do you think Americans bitch and moan about british people butchering southern or midwest accents half as much as you do? Shoot teh fook up ye fakin wanka I dunne even caer

>Britlander has an opinion about Britland
Opinion, Britlander, and Britland all discarded.

Crisps 'n chips innit?

you do though it just sounds like normal to you

British sounds like that to people without accents.

Then why does the whole world speak our language retard?

then stop watching? have you tried that? no one is forcing you to watch this shit. no one forced you to google that pic, save it to your computer, come to Any Forums, make a new thread, type all that shit down, upload the pic, and post this thread. could have just as easily posted this in one of the several existing threads, too. but no, you had to post a new thread like a total faggot. fuck you. a smith/rock thread died for this

I work for my pussy. You just have to speak here in America and it's ready as pie

That’s the point though, it’s not even his real voice

>Our language
You from Germany?

Nice try bong. You can't be havin' a laugh at our expense, mate. We yanks are wise to your bong bollocks.

>Cavemen aren't irrelevant because you use fire and the wheel!
Wow good point m8

Oy, you a bloody chimaman now, eh?

u 'avin a giggle mate? I'll hook you in the gabber u cheeky cunt I swear on me mum

No one cares what British "people" think. Go get raped by some Arabs

Blimey guv, someone needs to clean the soot out of your bloody chimney! You're sounding like a right wazzplod!

Attached: Moon Knight s01e01 chicken truck finger.webm (1280x720, 897.12K)

Note that Spector (the reflection of Steven) spotted the jackal stalking him.

Attached: Moon Knight s01e01 good doggyr.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

How's the violence level Fiege was boasting about?

What... That's a German number plate? WTF do Americans think Europe is like?

Cool post the abysmal cgi next