It is Watchmen, 2009 but filmed even before that

Ozymandias did his plan. Unlike comics multiple big cities AROUND THE WORLD were bombed.
>Ozymandias standing with open arms, sublt Ukraine flag on his left shoulder
>33 under his right shoulder

Attached: ozy open arms snyder.png (1780x804, 2.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't buy the Ukraine flag, but the 33 is a cool detail considering Ozy's meant to be enlightened compared to the rest of humanity. I don't get how sometimes Snyder is great at subtle details and other times, like the stupid Batman posters in the intro scene of this same movie, he's completely too on the nose

>Ukraine was actually unironically starts
>They put Z on their armored vehicles?
>BvS had Batman watching Zorro as a kid, then marking people as an adult with his emblem = Z for Zorro
>Zack Snyder ?

Attached: Z for Zack Snyder.jpg (900x600, 152.67K)

Alright, now you're taking it a bit far bro

Because filling the screen with details is easy?
>Oh man I'm gonna place this cool easter egg in the background
Like every other capeshit does this.

>Russia has marks Z O V , also reportedly A and X
>Russia's invasion declared reason is to fight nazis, i.e. Azov
part - apart
ZOV - Azov
>Azov's flag is SLASHED Z

Attached: azov.jpg (1460x911, 282.05K)

>BvS Knightmare Superman symbol
>what is it

Attached: Superman nazi swastika.jpg (1920x1080, 119.71K)

>BvS Superman haters capitol protesters

Attached: BvS Super nazi.jpg (283x178, 7.37K)

Putin handles' celebration of Crimea for 2022 at the same day as Zack Snyder's Justice League Annyversary
For NO reason, out of all Z O V letters they riled up on Z in their propaganda marketing

Attached: Big Black Cock News Russian edition Putin Za.jpg (480x360, 46.46K) wtf

Omg, can't even link video because of retarded jannies
just put this in YouTube BBC Toлпa в мeтpo и пepeбoй в тpaнcляции peчи Пyтинa. Mитинг-кoнцepт в "Лyжникaх" 0 y Im2SvDh0?t=55

Attached: oh no Krypto my dog Jannies are absolutely corrupt troonlovers what are we gonna do my friend how are we going to save our beloved 4chan.png (1400x700, 1.18M)

2022 Ukraine war was explicitly predicted in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)

Attached: This is a formica table.jpg (1024x768, 194.23K)

Attached: Vladimir Putin Restore the Snyder Verse or we will turn Ukraine into desert, final warning.jpg (586x410, 60.48K)

Attached: 3 Superman Death and Rebirth in Batman v Superman BvS and Zack Snyder's Justice League ZSJL 3 3 69 23 death or renewal.jpg (4048x1616, 743.99K)

then this happens
(also Thor Ragnarok was storyboarded by Jay Oliva, Zack's frequent collaborator and the friend)

Attached: Army of the Dead Zack Snyder's Justice League oscar Thor 3 Ragnarok (1).jpg (680x680, 74.75K)

What's even this thread.


Attached: attack-on-titan-erwin-smith.gif (220x220, 135.55K)

Attached: Will Smith slaps Chris Rock Watchmen.jpg (394x435, 46.76K)

Just making some connections, that's all.

Attached: original Joker head similar to Leto also no forced smile .jpg (737x692, 99.98K)

Why would Serbian sniper fighting for DPR wear Batman symbol?

Attached: deian-berich-deki-snaiper-dnr-donetskaia-narodnaia-respublik.jpg (2560x1600, 710.02K)


>Batman posters in the intro scene