So. Fucking. True

So. Fucking. True.

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>*looks at hands*
depending on which side you look at, you might get confused!

Maybe all race relations should be like that?
Better not have any strong opinions about Ukraine Jamal.

She has a big,fat face.

Bitch you should shut up and throw those extra croutons out your salad

lol fat bitch

fat 'people' aren't allowed to have opinions

>the quote tweets vs likes
Looks like people are giving her shit
Sure there are some chuds in there but probably mostly Twitter normies

maybe blacks should shut up about everything none black then

>Fat woman thinks she should close her mouth

That'd be one way to lose weight, bitch!

This the one from Ghostbusters?

Twitter opinions are nothing less than fucking infuriating

She should get a black doctor so maybe she will listen to them about her weight

I agree with this except the last 'listen'. Better to just let the niggers fight it out, nigger problems aren't my problems.

I hate Americans and the way they influenced multiple generations with their niggermutt worship culture.

>I'm white
Assuming she's a Jew then

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then all these goddamn niggers and kikes to shut the fuck up about what white people do in their white countries

Can someone explain why The Guardian is one of if not the worst and most blatant propaganda outlets on the planet?

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>I think that I should twee- wait *looks at hands* oh i'm still a fat fuck. I should go outside and eat a salad instead of staring at screens and sharing the stupid thoughts going on in my worthless fat head.

>white woman tweets to announce she should shut up

Paradox? YOU decide.

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not everything is a race matter, get out of your bubble.