Country bad because is le muslim, if christian is is basedddd

>country bad because is le muslim, if christian is is basedddd

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I noticed this mindset on int a lot actually, kinda fucked up

If a country is religious it's a shithole

>pedo religion
>le bad

Name one thing islam has that is better than christianity.

If that country is not influenced by Islamic radicalism and is sufficiently secular, it's fine, pretty much the same as a Christian country.


Islamism dehumanized people, one Estonia just turned muslim, would made actually human beings, gorilas worst than jamaicans

Any place that's non-secular sucks.

not mutilating people on daily basis

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what?? literally every single muslim shit hote practices FGM and circumcision, you literally start their life with mutilation


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You fell into my trap ! Jesus said that his true followers would be a minority

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7: 13-14)

What am I supposed to see here

>What am I supposed to see here
South America, Sub-saharan africa, and Eastern Europe are the most violent area on Earth. And it is all filled with "God fearing" Christians.

>subsaharan africa
I know you're moslem, but even for your fried brain this is a tad too retarded?

are you retarded?

you cant be joking me right now XD

ill take that as a yes

Yes, mudslimes sindon an abomination to mankind, a fucking tumor heo sindon.

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Are you this retarded or just ignorant?

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