Lucio Fulci Thread

Let's talk about the Godfather of Gore himself (Well, the Italian version that is), Lucio Fulci!

I'm sure there's some Lucio Fulci fans on this board.

Attached: Lucio_Fulci.jpg (1280x720, 115.29K)

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Big fan here. Recently watched Beatrice Cenci, it was kino.

City of the Living Dead = The Beyond > Powergap > Zombie > Powergap > Literal Dogshit > The House by the Cemetery

So happy to see a fellow Lucio Fulci fan on this board.

For me, my kino Lucio Fulci film will always be Zombi, it's either that Cat in the Brain, Aenigma, or Murderock.

The New York Ripper was his best film.

Underrated movie imo.

Attached: Aenigma.jpg (188x268, 10.29K)

No. Don't Torture a Duckling is his best by far.

The early to mid 80s were the best era for Italian films imo. The late 80s were alright too.

It's definitely peak sleaze kino

My favourite is The Beyond which is kind of an obvious choice I know. Manhattan Baby is probably the most underrated.

I love movies set in scummy 70s/80s NY

Yeah, movies around that time captured the griminess of New York around that era before it got the LED flashy treatment that it got around the 90s.
What ever you do stay away from manhattan baby its probably the worst/most boring shit he ever made
For me it's the intestines scene from City of the Living Dead. Apparently wasn't even in the original script

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The Godfather of Gore you say?

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he mogs argento so hard. all argento fags are retaded pseuds that just like "muh neon"!

Kind of like how Riz Ortolani mogs Ennio Morricone

Noticed how I called him "The Italian version".

I haven't forgotten about my man Hershel Gordon Lewis.

The only good Argentos are Suspiria and Inferno, straight giallo with no supernatural elements are boring.

Kek I knew

Nah, Deep Red, Tenebrae and The Bird with the Crystal Plumage are kino

What about Fabio Frizzi or Carlo Maria Cordio?

Always been a big fan of Fulci's work. Every film feels like it's covered with a layer of grease, I love it.

House by the cemetery, despite it's obvious flaws, will always be a childhood nostalgic film to me. The story of Freudstein and how he was still alive in the basement horrified me. Definitely an underrated film, as are all of his movies.

He certainly had a more varied career than Argento. He didn't even start making horrors until late in his career.

>Not even including Opera in either reply.

For shame, Anons, for shame.

For me, it was the eye scene in Zombi.

Forgot to include the picture.

Attached: zombi.jpg (490x287, 23.94K)