What has happened to Disney?

What has happened to Disney?

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Conservatives need to be able to break their entertainment media addiction and boycott these fag companies

Jewish cultural Marxists.

Isn't the whole point of the bill that if you want your kids to learn that girls can have dicks too then you have to sign a waiver? Just sign the waiver.

They've gone gay.

qrd for a europoor?

non-burger here, why is everyone losing their minds over this bill?

Its just an anti grooming, pro parents rights bill. Fags hate the idea of losing any ground in the culture war and not being able to increase their pool of easy grooming victims

Shouldn't the goal of the company be to make children's entertainment?

This bill is ridiculous.

This is your brain on being a fucking faggot.

>now that this bill has been passed we're willing to pretend we were against it the whole time
>We'll also claim we hope it gets repealed knowing how much harder it is to repeal laws then to just not sign them in the first place
>Please give us ally credit for this
Faggots who support corporations like this deserve the aids they get.


How many turns has Walt made in his grave by now?

>What has happened to Disney?
they have determined this will increase revenue.

I miss when they just made neat cartoons

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Doesn't Florida heavily subsidize Disneyworld and their related business in state? Dunno what they hope to gain by biting that hand

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>our goal as a company is to garner enough power to affect legislature

Yeah, fags are hysterical about not having easier access to children

>Hasnt read the bill
It's wrote in a stupid way that will 100% get repealed but it's factually against grooming and brainwashing children

No teaching gay shit in school says Florida.
Faggots cry a new dark age.

So Disney released an official statement proclaiming they're against democracy? Not a good look

I'm not American but my guess is if the media and corporations don't like it then it's probably a good thing.

Lmao wish they'd stfu. We know they dont give a fuck about fags or trannies other than their money

Florida has banned pedophiles from grooming kindergarteners.

His spiralling coffin is burrowing through to the centre of the earth.

>Corporate enforced homosexuality

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A bunch of their employees were arrested for pedophilia recently

It seems like a reasonable thing to not teach kindergarteners about this kind of stuff in school. I can't believe people are actually pissed about this.

can't give curriculum to kids under the 4th grade that teaches them about sexual orientations, transgender shit, etc

that's it, they're literally losing their minds over it and calling it "don't say gay"

these fucking "people" deserve to be sodomized with a blowtorch

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and disneys pedo brigade is big mad

Instead of complaining why don't they out their money when their mouth is and produce gay friendly animated films for children?

How hard could it be? There are plenty of source's

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>Disney family loses all say in the company after Roy Disney’s death
>company turns to absolute soulless shit

Having come of age in the 2000s the fact libs/dems/whoever are de facto pro corporations because they side with them on the culture war shit will never sit well with me

Probably because 4 Disney employees were just arrested in a human trafficking operation in Florida.

Disney brings a shitton of tourism money. Fuck them tho, Universal’s better

>Teachers and schools are not to teach or institute lessons or discussion in K-3 classrooms involving sexual activity or sexuality
This is it. This is "Don't say gay."

A lot of things bring tourism to Florida.


Oh you mean this Disney?

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It honestly scares me how fucking batshit insane millennial teachers are, I can’t imagine how messed up this next generation is going to be because of these idiots.
Maybe we should just get nuked at this point.

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It is. It's just the children's entertainment they make now has to be filled with LGBT characters and multicultural pro-corporate globalism because MUH [INSERT OPPRESSION HERE]


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zoomer here. we had a teacher just make us watch TYT videos on youtube for most of the curriculum for english class.

To the anons that are considering having kids or will one day, please homeschool them

So we can all agree that our country is being held hostage by fags right? Time to think about solutions

I agree. It's absolutely ridiculous that it only bans grooming up to 3rd grade.

The only answer to the Long March is a short one.

walt and his brother died

I can think of a few

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take videos. take as many videos as you fucking can of this fucking propaganda. make copies, give them to as MANY people as you can.

fuck these assholes, they literally refuse to let parents or media know what propaganda they're pushing; they stonewall and absolutely refuse any attempts at transparency. the only loophole is to get kids themselves to record it - which is why you only see glimpses of it here and there.

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Someone post that interview of Walt Disney lusting över an underage character

>homeschool them
it's illegal in my cunt (croatia), however our program isn't pozzed for the time being, so we're safe for now.

I'm just terrified of woke people.
abolish police. abolish jail. praise criminals. destroy society in the name of equality, praise looting and rioting. grooming kids for sex.
we are fucked.

what does 6 year olds being taught about trannies and faggots have to do with animation

Wife teaches at a private school in Canada, not bad there. Don't tolerate nignog behavior. Can't and won't teach bullshit sexuality stuff
Only 20k a year

walt is based tho

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Oh absolutely. The good thing is that we know it wouldn’t be worth it for them to pack up and leave, the money from the Childfree Disney Adult Cult is too good.
I’m just wondering what “measures” they’re taking to try to affect legislation aside from making PR posts about it.

>take videos
brother, zoomers are all graduated now this shit happened at least 7 or 8 years ago

Hopefully other countries see what happens when you give jews power

The theme park where they hush up incidents of pedophiles molesting children there is upset about an anti-grooming law. What a shock.

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>tfw jew and kinda look like more masculine version of this

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>gay friendly animated films for children?
gays reproduce by grooming and raping children and teens. there's nothing friendly about it.