Why is this movie so shit? Did people really pretend to like it just because it was shot on a 70mm?

Why is this movie so shit? Did people really pretend to like it just because it was shot on a 70mm?

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I don't even know what that is, but yes that movie was progressive garbage.

Revisionist Westerns are shit

Django was great, what the fuck are you talking about?

It was okay, just like with django and hollywood I have had no desire to rewatch it though unlike taraninos early work.

>I don't even know what that is
How is it possible for someone to watch movies and not know?

just a gimmick to get people to come watch a stupid story shot in a room.

I saw it twice

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Yeah pretty sure I never remember ever waiting longer for something to happen than this piece of shit

It was great but I wonder how it would hold up on rewatch when you know everything that's going on

I fucking love that movie, it's unironically one of my favorites. I've rewatched it like 15 times. Great atmosphere, characters and acting... 70mm looks cool to me but not that big a deal. Bonus: only bitches on screen get the shit beat out of them constantly or are instantly killed and written out of the movie. Hours and hours of western characters in a comfy winter cabin arguing with each other, shooting each other and knocking the shit out of a single white woman. I put it on and get the fireplace going when it's snowing and I can hear the wind outside and I can sip a glass of whiskey and watch my favorite kino. That's the kind of experience you put up with shit days for, because you know it's all just a hump in the road until the next time you can do it again

Daisy was well hung, if you catch my drift

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i still haven't watched it yet, is the extended miniseries version the best one or does it turn it into a slog?

This. Ive also watched it over a dozen times and its fantastic every single time. The only reason people don't like it is because they're contrarian for the sake of being contrarian

You should try actually watching it. It's really good.

Jaime Foxx looks older than i remember

Everyone said nigger casually and the two confederates were the victim and hero

I saw the 3h version and it felt like it went by quick. Another hour would've been good

Still seething eh, Chang?

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go big with extended or go home

Tarantula is a hack


this movie is the ultimate ADHD zoomer filter.

I liked it. Some cool shots and how it conveyed the hellish qualities of a harsh winter blizzard was nice. Soundtrack was good, especially the track “beastiality” which Ennio Morrison’s originally created for the Thing. It’s a little over the top, but that’s expected from Tarantino.