As a comedian, I have to defend Chris Rock. It's tough, especially nowadays. As a husband, that's his fucking wife dude...

>As a comedian, I have to defend Chris Rock. It's tough, especially nowadays. As a husband, that's his fucking wife dude. Whatever, I wasn't invited to the Oscars, I don't give a shit. *laughs*

Attached: Bill-Burr-at-Closing-Night-Of-2021-Outfest-e1633087143433.jpg (2633x2155, 634.99K)

thats Burr's schtick. Say something cucked and then laugh


if naya or whatever the fuck his black wife's name is got upset this cuck would be the first in line smacking chris

he's always saying I don't give a shit.

That's pretty based actually.

>omg I am a little bitch incapable of having any opinion

Why does he laugh like this?

he didn't say anything bc he has a movie coming out

He wouldn't have done shit in the moment. He'd have just cried like a little bitch about it later.

>that's his fucking wife dude
would be a valid argument that if she was a civilian just trying to lead a private life and not constantly trying to ride her husband’s coat tails into an acting career

Hes turned into a ticket taking little faggot. Id guess when you make it big you have to tow the company line.

It's a fake laugh dummy. He finds nothing funny anymore because his life is a hollow shell.

well that explains why he's so unfunny. can he just retire and go away. Im sick of his shitty videos being recommended on youtube. He's not funny or even remotely interesting.


explain? I live in Birmingham, AL and was thinking about going to see him next week

All these dudes are no filter free speech until they have a movie coming out

his shit is worse than rogan's. podcaster "celebs" are fucking scum. they often talk about how they started their podcast "from nothing" when in reality they were already public figures and had a decent nest egg they could use to fund a fucking TV show-er i mean podcast. then they go on to congratulate the zoomers that actually make their way through social media and podcast shit and pretend they are on in the same. fuck billy ballbags and his bald head. if him and joe rogan stood next to eachother they would look like a couple of old man testicles

what went wrong?

You’re fucking retarded if you think Burr of all people is walking on stage during the Oscars & slapping a well established comedian. He fucking acted like Chris Rock was untouchable because of “seinfeld mafia” before, at best Burr would’ve made a joke back or privately talked to Chris about it which is the non nigger thing to do.

He gave up scotch, and still romanticizes it.

he sounds fucked up lately. he's always "sick" and he even did a podcast fucked up on cough medicine. not to mention his mushroom trip epiphany a few months ago. i don't think the dude is sober at all, he just has a good amount of sober followers that relate to him because he talks about sobriety

"I'll tell you one thing, those people are brave and deserve eery ounce of OUR repect."

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