Ad astra

Was this supposed to be a commentary on the reality of space travel in the future? It's nothing like blade runner or star trek where everything is idealized for entertainment purposes. Its implied aliens don't exist and we are all we got. Is this the takeaway for this film?

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Its just a remake of Apocalypse Now.

is blade runner and star trek the only sci fi you've ever seen?

idk sure the monkey scene was kinda dumb, but i really like the space-grim aesthetics

Why did this guy talk like a robot throughout the film? Ending was kino though.

Even if you think the movie is stupid, the haunting imagery of Neptune and the realization that life is a fluke is fucked and makes the movie worth at least one watch

I found this movie strangely entertaining, there's not a lot of dialogue but it was just extremely interesting. Kino movie.

I liked the movie, wasn't anything special but was okay 6.5/10

You sound like you're not old enough for Any Forums

>Reddit, the Movie.

Right it feels out of place. Maybe if instead of monke something else causes the incident like an oxigen supply failure or something. But overall a good movie. Goes directly to the space movies collection

Checked. But this is not The Martian(2015)

it was supposed to be a vehicle for the director to set up a bunch of vacuous artsy shots for moviefags to fill out their 3x3s

It was a commentary on something. But like 1917, I feel like I was too dumb to get it.

Dogshit boring stupid movie, worst movie I've seen in theaters since The Spirit.

all i now is that i snoozed trough most of the movie. so if you're having trouble sleeping, give it a go

That scene is the perfect example of studio execs chiming in trying to make what's supposed to be a serious, thought-provoking film into an impure end product, just to be able to show an action clip in the trailer, in an effort to rake in an extra buck.

I thoroughly enjoyed Ad Astra. It filtered a lot of people and was "problematic" for featuring a mostly white cast while being set in the future.

This is just my opinion and these are the themes I believe are contained within the film:
1. Corporations embedded in everything and running away with their own agendas including trying to hide immoral or shady research in the far corners of space.
2. There has been some huge depopulation event. Notice how the movie feels empty? You never see a ton of people walking around anywhere?
3. The military as a force for good with fathers and sons carrying out their code of ethics.
4. The ending of the film was the most important part, and to me the meaning was about how younger generations need to trust their own instincts and not just blindly follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. The movie came off as an allegory for the need for millennials and zoomers to fix all the devastation that the boomers have caused and ignore their psychotic elderly ramblings.

>serious space travel
>surfs through an asteroid belt
>killer monkeys

>serious space travel
well it certainly isn't happy-go-lucky comedic space travel

You forgot the moon pirates.

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I thought the monkey scene was fine and kinda surprised by how much backlash it got. The moon pirates on the other hand.
