Greece, 3rd century BC

>Greece, 3rd century BC

what was your country doing then?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Conquering Greece

I am greek

3rd century BBC

wtf how did they have yachts in the 3rd century BC

Attached: 1629834514234.webm (640x800, 188.22K)

Mauryans and shiet
All in all, we were doing just okay

Creating a massive drought on Mars.

this open legs take doesn't look good

Do you see Benis when looking up? :D


Attached: 1CE7BEAC-61FD-49D0-A138-5E506A9B80E2.jpg (828x834, 90.35K)

>be proud of thing doesn't even exist
only Europe was dark continent in that era

Attached: lif1907240018-p1.jpg (1024x721, 196.48K)

Fucking greek twinks

Shitting in the woods, just like in the 700 years that followed.

Fighting Carthaginian retards

Vgh what could have been

Ooga booga
But also trading amber with you guys.

Attached: cropped-cropped-slavic-kingdom-lechina-empire3114.jpg (1295x1030, 491.92K)

Thriving in the swamps, not being under Roman rule


*muffled ooga booga underwater*

Discovering fire idk