Your move, chudcels

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Adding minorities and women to your cast does not automatically improve the quality of your program.

They should dump all the episodes online at episode 3. If word of mouth for the show stays low then they won't rake in any viewers; if opinion is low but all the episodes are out, people will at least watch it.

It does the opposite

The only dark truth regarding Halo is that its a dead franchise

There has not been a good piece of Halo media since 2010

>dark truth
What dark truth? Its a video game series about aliens initiating a jihad against us.

Probably does the leftist thing where they think showing violence is inherently mature and brave ala Last of Us 2

the fascism aspect of the UNSC probably.

I can't believe a interplanetary military isn't having democratic vote on every decision pending their species annihilation. Did they even consult transgender negresses as to how they feel about Warthogs?

>dark truth
I laughed so hard when master chief took off his helmet. What a funny looking man HAHA

Attached: DBZ-Vegeta.png (720x540, 586.44K)

I can only assume not. The real crime is that they don't have celebrities, journalists, and activists telling them what is and isn't socially acceptable, or what the REAL news is, and to trust the RIGHT science.

BREAKING: Sean Penn refuses to attend Oscars until UNSC human rights are applied to Covenant POWs.
Earth President Joe Biden refuses to deploy reinforcements to Reach until reserves reach 100% vaccination rate.

Thank the holy rings that the adults are back in charge.

>this frumpy asian girl is the key to all this
>she's gonna save the world
>she's gonna save halo
>john halo

They couldnt even get one of those cute kpop girls FUCK

>is a bitch
>has a mullet
>has no eyebrows
how many millions did they spend on each episode? cause it sure wasn't spend on hair dressing or casting.

if it would be like this i would join the covenant, erase humanity and then shoot myself.

Why do women looks so awkward?

I watched it and it was pretty good
here you can watch it on youtube right now

I've found that I prefer binge watching over the weekly installments. I tend to lose plot after a few days unless the series is especially good.