What are your thoughts on the coming EU army?

>Last week Mr Macron once against issued his support for a new defence strategy which may replace NATO.
>During the virtual G7 Summit with other leaders, Mr Macron once again issued his call for Europe to rely on its strategic security rather than the US.
>He told the Financial Times: “I am a defender of European sovereignty, of strategic autonomy, not because I’m against NATO or because I doubt our American friends, but because I am lucid on the state of the world.
>"Because I think we need a fair sharing of the burden and Europe cannot delegate its protection and the protection of its neighbourhood to the USA and so we have to do it together.

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>What are your thoughts on the coming EU army
Won't happen.

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how the fuck would this work in the first place? also what language would be spoken?

Napoleon failed
Hitler failed
Macron will fail

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I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want

>what language would be spoken?
English kek.
And the anglos wont even be in it.

If the Filipino military can speak English so can the EU military.

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>also what language would be spoken?
>What language will rebranded Wehrmacht speak?
Like German?

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the french would never accept this, they are butthurt about using english in the first place.


>The seven nation army will become a reality in your lifetime

Russian soon enough

2 more weeks?

NATO will never go away and Cuckropeans will keep seething about it.

Would be good if Russia would be a member

makes me always think of this scene, I don't see how this would work out

They should make the EU democratic first.

the EU is a meme
it should either be a proper federal state like the US, with its own army, actual government, and sovereignty, or it should be just a free trade area
and federalization doesn't seem very realistic anytime soon


Euroskeptics wouldn't like that, it would mean less power for national governments.

>I don't see how this would work out
The most realistic scenario would require Russia nuking a few major European cities. Then EU would turn into centralised militaristic thing.

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>tfw they use English as the standard language
Anglos win again.