Why are Europeans better at everything?

Why are Europeans better at everything?

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They had a very big advantage thanks to Greece

mommy personality

holy shit you must have a negative iq

That was painted by American though

Americans, Canadians and Australians are European offshoots.

Why is she holding asian lantern?

thirdies are usually pretty stupid, and COPE super hard when it comes to their failures.

I need to get Sargent watercolour book

Europoor isn’t relevant at anything and it’s poor

why are sargent paintings so aesthetic.

probably my favorite painter.

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I started reading Aristotles Metaphysics and he keeps repeating "human is white" and occasionally says "but not all humans are white" so obviously he thinks Greeks are white but some other peoples like Aethiopes are not white


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t. eastern european brainlet

I am greek and Greece is the birthplace of the european civilization. You mad because Hungary is the birthplace of cheap whores? At least there is now one reason to visit your country. This or the TURKISH hammam.

>t. eastern european brainlet
Greece is in Eastern Europe.
>I am greek
You are Belgian.

I like watercolours more and his watercolours are pretty cool. They often look like mess of dappled colours but still coherent.

>Greece is in eastern Europe
Found the european thirdie
>You are belgian
No i am a greek

Did you know there is a nude painting of her?

Australia is higher scored in everything than Europe
Bend the knee

hyperborean autism - varg

post it?

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I kinda like when painters capture poor people too.

Seeing all these ultra-rich gets tiresome.

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