This is illegal in Germany

>This is illegal in Germany
Why are they so afraid of caffeine?

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I need a Monster Mango Loco right now but the shop was out of that flavour
I had to settle for Ultra Zero and Ultra Fiesta

What does a high dose of caffeine feels like?
I've never drank an energy drink or a cup of coffee in my life so far.

You shouldn't be drinking caffeine.

It's not illegal.

They don't have the 300mg version there, which is the standard here.

It tastes like addiction. Only drink water and milk like God intended.

Based, monster is poison. Just drink coffee, much healthier.

Wtf, 200mg could potentially lead to heart problems

Everyone knows about your 320mg/L limit.

makes me feel like shit

You can buy caffeine tablets with 300mg in any pharmacy here even when underaged, we used to take these all the time in school

Maybe for little thai men. Big European and American penis can handle it

>You can buy caffeine tablets with 300mg in any pharmacy here even when underaged
any dumb kids ever take a bunch and destroy their hearts?

My dad used to take a few of those pills and play rugby, never did him any harm

Me and a friend once took 1200mg spread throughout the schoolday but it didn't do any harm, was just really hyperactive and couldn't focus at all

>300 mg Coffein
Tell me a good reason why you need that much

for me it's drinking a shitload of tea throughout the entire day

vgh penis caffeine

You don't need more than 120 per day.
I'd sip through that can for 3 days.

when I was a truck driver I'd slam 500g pills every day, git gud


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having a high tolerance from black coffee
there's no reason to immediately start with that dose

driving, who do you think the primary market for caffeine supplements are?

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