The 90's were the peak of the USA, it all went downhill from there

>No lgb and tranniea
> No communist leftists
> No Trump alt right supporters
>No incel mass shooters
> No social media or smartphones
> No onlyfans, tinder so women were not promiscious
> Great music and movies

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kys shahar

This needs to be posted at least 10 times everyday by the same user everytime or else I can't sleep at night

I mostly remember a lot of optimism about technology. The internet was supposed to help humanity ascend, and instead it turned us all into schizos or coomers.

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>The internet was supposed to help humanity ascend
It was never the goal moron

the peak was the 1950s

Literally the truthest thing this jew fag has posted. Applaud

>Peak of the War on Drugs
>America's highest incarceration rate
>LA Riots

if you think this you're probably underage.

I disagree
It’s only getting better

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Destroy all the monopolies
All love is on your side forever

Glory to the new eternal golden age

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That only affected minorities

meds now

Love and LSD

The only god is love

Kneel forever

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I was a 90s kid. A real one that was born in the 80s so I remember the 90s.

There was lgb but trans wasn't really a thing. There were chud and incel mass killers (see OK city bombing and Columbine). But they weren't as prevalent. Leftists were still communist but there wasn't all this safe space bullshit yet.

The rest is correct.

Only 37,978 more years

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That show was gay I prefer saved by the bell

I would still take the mid 90s in a heartbeat.

90s nostalgia is honestly cringe. I want to kill every 90s kid so bad


The world is at our fingertips. The next stage of evolution is cyberspace.

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>They believed that high technology (and smart drugs) could help human beings overcome limits, that it could liberate them from authority and even enable them to transcend space, time, and body. They often expressed their ethos and aesthetics through cyberart and reality hacking.

The US economy was very good and housing in California where I live was dirt cheap. It's the 80s but even better. I was born in 98 and don't even remember the 90s.

Kids these days psh.

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