My state will likely elect a millionaire celebrity Turk who doesn’t even live here

>my state will likely elect a millionaire celebrity Turk who doesn’t even live here
does your electoral system have bruh moments like this

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we had a presidential candidate last year who doesn't even live here, was fired from two colleges in USA for sexual abuse and whose wife sued him for not paying child support.

I voted for him

>my country elected an Italian who is also albanian

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>state elected a congresswoman who lived here for one month

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What state?

Fetterman seriously can’t beat Dr Oz?

State of despair

Dr oz Pennsylvania the Circassian bvll

>dr.oz is running for senate

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the absolute state of politics


I like fetterman but I think it will generally be challenging to win as a dem in this environment
Also he just had a serious stroke a few weeks ago and is still in the hospital

Shiggy I didn’t know he had a stroke. And I guess all the swing voters in PA are in the Pitt/Philly suburbs? I was thinking those types would be alienated by him dressing like a bouncer but for a Dem he’s soft on fracking and guns I guess and Oz is such a weird faggot

Based Norteño

We also have both a literal Tranny and a an actual Incel (pic related) in our congress

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Why do s*utherners keep sending football coaches to the Senate?


You should feel lucky a great man like Mehmet Oz has decided to serve the public.

>Johannes Maximilian Kaiser Barents-Von Hohenhagen

>Durante su candidatura a diputado en 2021, Kaiser presentó un afiche antiinmigrante con la frase «el que no aporta se deporta»

>En marzo de 2021, a través de su cuenta de Twitter, Kaiser insinuó que la inoculación con la vacuna Coronavac de Sinovac, sería el factor de aumento de casos de COVID-19

>En enero de 2022, a través de su cuenta de Twitter, expresó «vacuna no reduce transmisión (de Sars-Cov-2)»

>realizó declaraciones xenófobas tratando a los inmigrantes de «violadores», además de cuestionar el derecho a sufragio femenino, argumentando que «lo que pasa es que tienen una especie de esquizofrenia, las mujeres dejan de ir al parque a trotar porque tienen miedo de inmigrantes que las pueden violar, pero siguen votando por los mismos partidos que están trayendo a esa gente y tú realmente te preguntas si el derecho a voto [a las mujeres] fue una buena idea»

El chileno menos basado

Parisichads rise up

The prussian ham i think has a child, who is the troon btw?

Yeah my state is going to elect santa claus

is it over?

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