You can move to japan

>you can move to japan
>you have to live in the countryside and can't visit any city
do you accept?

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are there attractive women in the countryside?

I'm probably going to end up living in the country side anyways. Fuck if I'm gonna live like some 3rd worlder in a gaijin camp apartment complex in tokyo. I just need to live within an hour to three of a city incase my stomach explodes and I need to go to the ER.

>wants to live in Japan
>thinks small living space = third world
I hate to break it to you user

She looks like one of those WW2 caricatures

Is your countryside modernized? I don't think I can have a real countryside experience in your country

Oh no?!

Most people leave after high school and return after retirement, so not really.



Jokes on you i was born in Aomori.

>do you accept?
I'd accept in a heartbeat.

Attached: japanese farmer women.jpg (1188x676, 225.12K)

Yes and my life will turn into some SOL anime

Yes I would like to grow deluxe apples in Aomori with a Japanese wife of higher Jomon percentage in her DNA

Yeah, sure.

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cities scare me, people are scary

Imma be honest with u nigga, dat person in yo picture dont look human.

I'm fine with living in a smaller place but in bigger cities I've heard stories of people only being able to get apartments in these Gaijin complexes which are like the Projects in east America.

Is this common to do farm work naked?

Do I get a gf?

Countryside>city in any count