This is all because of patriarchy. Toxic masculinity must end!

>Man's ridiculousness is hard to beat. Have you checked out one lately Weighed down by the world's expectations attached to the sling between his legs, the man has degenerated into a fundamentally tragic being, trying very hard to drag everyone down into the abyss.

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patriarchy has done far more good than harm

>eurocuck version of jezebel says this
I don't care man

>you can slap a famous "valuable" man in front of the whole world and nobody gives a fuck

At this point, if at none other, it should be clear that they don't have an actual, unified, concrete ideology.

>cuck pathetically defending his cheating bald "wife" is patriarchy

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why is American culture centered around blacks?

Because everything is centered around blacks you just don't know it.

Daily reminder that sexism is bad and the future will look back to all this misandry and be sickened. Feminism doesn’t need to exist anymore. Women have equal rights. Systemic oppression doesn’t exist anymore. What exists now are sexes battling against each other and men naturally winning their places. If you need the government to stop the natural progression of events you are the oppressor. I know many modern feminists are aware of their blatant misandry and excuse it as a sort of justice/revenge for the past but that is not actually a solid argument and they’d only be perpetuating the mistakes of the past. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

From the media reaction, it seems if you criticize what Smith did you are racist, and if you applaud what Smith did it is toxic masculinity.

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(((They))) want to demoralize us and bring the lowest common denominator even lower.

> Women have equal rights
Tell that to Saudi Arabia

You don’t live in Saudi Arabia nor does changing laws in your country change the laws of Saudi Arabia. If you want to fight for equality in Saudi Arabia, go to Saudi Arabia or a surrounding neighbor, or accept the fact that your struggle is only in Saudi Arabia.

I heard some HIM type idiot last night claim that Rock wouldn't have made the joke about a white actress, but black actresses are an acceptable target because...reasons? Absolutely pathetic.

>not blacks

HIM - piss off, autocorrect. BLM.

>Feminism doesn’t need to exist anymore. Women have equal rights.
Your post did not specify “in the west”. If feminism is still needed in other countries then it absolutely needs to exist, just because you’re too short-sighted to see beyond your own country doesn’t mean you’re right.

Here’s another example closer to home- is it “equality” if women have to pay extortionate amounts for tampons when men have to pay nothing at all?

You’re too short sighted to see what the topic is about: an issue that occurred in and is being reported in the United States. Try harder dumb foid.

Brittany got it bad too for all types of reason, if you are a public persona you are an object of ridicule. It's not a one way street of praise.

This is western culture in a nutshell, only now its devoid of religion, and the west is only capable of spreading its degeneracy.

Again, you didn’t specify “in the United States”. You made a general claim about feminism not needing to exist, and assumed everyone would simply think you were talking about the west because mutts are the most delusional self-centred people on the planet. Your replies are only further proof of that.

You don’t need to specify when the topic is obvious. Just because your triggered reptile brain can’t contextualize messages because it’s so used to screeching like a retard doesn’t mean that your Saudi Arabian issues are applicable here at all.

I bet you really think places like Any Forums and Reddit are international forums and not just echo chambers for 5-eyes nations. Oh you poor dumb thing.

So the feminist approach is to allow men to insult women without repercussion?

wrong take.

sexism is GOOD and NATURAL. there's a reason why sexually dimorphic species like animals are at the top of the food chain and non sexual species like protozoa are not. males and females fulfill different social roles everywhere in the animal kingdom, humans are no different.

Feminism NEVER needed to exist. It is and has always been a cancer on the human race, going back to the original "suffragettes".

Patriarchy is how our species evolved. If you want to live in matriarchy go be a bee. If you want to live in "equality" then go be an ameoba that has no sexual organs or a tree that has both.

>waaaa why don’t people think America is the centre of the universe!
To be fair, your collective weight does create a centre of gravity so it’s only reasonable that things fall into your orbit.

You’re right, Any Forums IS an echo chamber. You wouldn’t all be responding to me in the most predictable hivemind way if it wasn’t.

Cringe chud that will never get laid. And I say this as the guy that wrote what you’re replying to.

> sexism is GOOD and NATURAL
Appeal-to-nature fallacy, try again. Is nightshade good because it’s natural? Is snake venom?

Seethe some more foid, you’ll never have a brain capable of beating men. You will forever be looking for handouts and support because you can’t support yourself.

>man gets pussy whipped into a nigga moment by his adulterous wife
Why are they like this?

Yes, if it wasnt they wouldnt exist.