Europe by tweets in each language

Europe by tweets in each language.

Attached: jii3o1ssjy401.jpg (1024x893, 478.44K)

cool map, but not very helpful when 5 languags are the same colour

damn balkan niggas are underpopulated as FUCK

They just aren't twitterfaggots

souless and muttified
soul and preserved

yeah, you can see the biggest ones easily but they have done some very retarded shit like using almost the same color for Galician and Spanish

it's not that, it's just that they are based people who barely use Twitter. You can see how soy regions like the Netherlands and Catalonia use Twitter a lot.

What do they use in the Balkans?

they talk to people in real life


Attached: homing-pigeon.jpg (750x472, 94.38K)

> italy is full
fuck off you are not full. I will live in the apennine mountains

this is not about density of people, it's about density of twitterfags

For Italy that map pretty much reflects density of population

yes, but you can see how the Balkans are very dark despite not having such a small population

You can literally superimpose it with a map showing density of population. Impressive.

Is it that easy to tell the difference between Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian?
Conversely, is it too hard to tell the difference between Ukrainian, Byelorussian, and Russian?

>Is it that easy to tell the difference between Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian?
Yes. They sound completely different.
>inb4 int spazzes out and starts yelling that they don't

He's just making Germany bigger

>Is it that easy to tell the difference between Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian?
>Conversely, is it too hard to tell the difference between Ukrainian, Byelorussian, and Russian?

>They sound completely different.
Ok, but that's not what I was asking. OP's image is twitter, not spoken language. Is it that easy to tell the written language of those 3 languages apart?

>Is it that easy to tell the written language of those 3 languages apart?
>katten klatrede på bordet for at spise det hele
>katten klättrade på bordet för att äta upp allt
>katten klatret på bordet for å spise alt

Here's just a random wiki I translated between the three.
>I Gamla Uppsala finns tre stora gravhögar, oftast kallade kungshögarna eller Uppsala högar, enligt mytologi och folkminne resta över de gamla sveakonungarna på 500-talet. Högarna är bland de största i Sverige (bara Anundshög är större). Modern datering anger att de anlagts mellan år 500 och år 600
>I Gamle Uppsala er det tre store gravrøyser, vanligvis kalt kongehaugene eller Uppsala-haugene, ifølge mytologi og folklore, reist over de gamle svenske kongene på 500-tallet. Haugene er blant de største i Sverige (bare Anundshög er større). Moderne dateringer indikerer at de ble bygget mellom år 500 og år 600
>I Gamle Uppsala er der tre store gravhøje, normalt kaldet kongehøjene eller Uppsalahøjene, ifølge mytologi og folketro, rejst over de gamle svenske konger i det 5. århundrede. Højene er blandt de største i Sverige (kun Anundshög er større). Moderne dateringer indikerer, at de er bygget mellem år 500 og år 600