After Jeff was fired from the show, The Goldberg's crew tried to replace him with stand ins and cgi.

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the video btw, they use Jeff Garlin voice A.I too

why did he get fired?

they should kill a bunch of people and make a remake of Weekend at Bernie's using the corpse's likenesses and ai voices

He was a big meanie on set.

Got a cumstain on one of the prop beds

what the fuck I just googled it and that's literally the reason.
all the reasons I could find from the article
>the actor said vagina a lot
>the actor said balls a lot
>the actor swore
>he called his female co-stars offensive nicknames (like what?)
>he hugged his fellow cast members
>he was mean on set
wtf. I just assumed he had a rape accusation but he's literally being accused of being mean.

does anyone have rights to their likeness anymore? I doubt something like that would've been on his contract for a show like that

he kept yelling vagina or something

I wonder what is going on in the mind of the people on this board that will repost these weirdly specific threads over and over for no apparent reason.

>be unattractive guy hitting on women in the #metoo era

Honestly he was asking for it

doesn't help that he looks like harv

Apparently was just difficult to work with, didn't want to be there, and was constantly a dick to cast and crew. Not sure any of that is valid reason to be fired, but if he didn't want to do the show anymore I doubt he cares at all. Almost sounds like he was trying to get fired without getting cancelled at the same time so he could escape the contract. Which is fair because this show is dogshit and should have ended a long, long time ago when the child actors were actually still kids. Always fucking cringe seeing these sitcoms where the cast starts out as actual 12 year olds and then 10 years later as 20-somethings they are still pretending to have to play high schoolers. The Middle did this too.

Just remember that every time you hear about a “misconduct” allegation in hollywood it’s over something like this. Liberals, especially women, have become so thin skinned that they can’t handle normal human interaction anymore. They never publicly give the specific details of what actually happened because they know the rest of the world will see them as losers and side with the accused if they really knew what it was about. They’ve learned that in the modern world, all you have to do is accuse someone of “misconduct” to automatically get the public on your side and get them to think he’s a literal rapist and that you’re a a brave and stunning survivor.

he was accused of.....banter

>get all of the butthurt female employees together
>agree to call misconduct at the same time
bitches in offices are similar

He was fired because he used his position as a famous producer to sexually abuse aspiring actresses, ffs. He should rot in prison.

Why don't they just do it this way
>oh, where's dad
>ah, guess he's dead!
>laugh tracks

The show really is so bland and mediocre, it's like a disney teen show. Other then "the 80's" it's just so generic.

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Did they age on Modern Family?

We had this thread already, why do we need to spoonfeed the newfags?

Harvey Weinstein ruined Garlin's career.

Or you could remember that 99.999% of people that make it in Hollywood are complete assholes with no attachment to reality and enormous egos. I have zero doubt that he was being a complete dick to everyone he worked with.

Try having a single thought that isn't "women bad"

hollywood woman badder

What show did he get fired from? Was it curb?

Try understanding that when you make it in Hollywood, you are better than normal people, you are richer than normal people, in fact the only normal people you ever have to deal with are the failed actors serving you lattes at Starbucks.

Have some goddamn empathy.