Why don't you ride a bicycle in your country

Why don't you ride a bicycle in your country

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I used to do it in Sunday mornings. I fear for my life in São Paulo's traffic at any other moment

I do ride my mountainbike in the city, which is a bit spergy I guess

It's not spergy at all, don't worry. It is normal.

I ride my bike every odd day of the week
Cyclits are subhuman troglodytes


because i live 15kms from the nearest shopping place and my work, the only road is a main road unsafe for bikes and the weather is also crappy for bikes most of the time
cycling is a cool hobby but i stopped it a long time ago

I bike to work ofcourse, without ever crossing a car. Only when I ride onto the parkinglot

I ride both a traditional upright and a recumbent both for recreation and for going to the store. I love it.

I do the same. Why is it spergy?
I mean I know it's a mountain bike, I've never brought it to any mountains though, I only use it in the city but I still prefer it over normal city bikes or whatever.

Traffic engineers and city planners are instructed to marginalize bicycles and public transit because North American culture associates non-automotive commuters with poverty and layabout porchmonkeys.

We actively punish cyclists and public transit commuters with dangerous, ugly, and ineffective engineering and planning solutions because we are attempting to coerce them into buying cars.

Also, at least where I live, the developers own the two main political parties. Developers make less money for more effort if cities are designed to be compact, safe, and efficient. So they lean on politicians to discourage efficiency and safety so they can continue to build hazardous roads connecting ugly suburbs to dying commercial centres.

But I do ride my bike (female)

it's overkill for a city and looks like you're about to do sport with it, a city bike is better for cities
but I gues nobody really cares and it does its job so meh

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It's very dangerous, cagers become very aggressive if they can't drive 30 or 50 for a few minutes.

For me the most evil thing I've read was building overpass bridges that were too low for buses to pass under, so even if there was ever a policy change for public transport, bus lines would be impossible to be laid through certain areas simply because they wouldn't fit, and retrofitting the bridges would be too expensive.

I'm a carchad

They will eventually be too low for whitey's super sized pickup trucks as wel.


Yes, I walk, I bike, I take the train (metro, regional or high speed), I take the bus, AND I take the car according to my needs for each trip, because unlike Americans, I'm truly free to chose the mean of transportation I really need for each situation.

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>calls anyone a tard
>links to twitter post

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The cyclist commuter does not pay gas.
The cyclist commuter does not feed the petrodollar.
The cyclist commuter does not pay off loans on overpriced cagies or pay insurance.
The cyclist commuter does not get ill due to god tier cardiovascular fitnes.
The cyclist commuter is single handedly halting climate change and saving the environment on the raw power of their legs alone.

The Jew fears the cyclist above all else.

Yes gigachad.jpg

I do the same. I fear it getting stolen, but can't find a decent cheap shitty 2nd hand city bike.

Give it back hans

Based, bikecucks BTFO

Everyone here uses mtn bikes over road bikes

I hate looking at my town so any transport I use makes me angry.
I do feel powerful cutting people off with my bike, one day I'll lose my legs for it which makes me fearful and depressed

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Last time I had a bike it was stolen within 2 months, I fucking hate Berlin

In Germany everyone owns two cars even if they bike to work daily. I find it rediculous, I sold my car when I got a cosy job at a research institution on the outskirts of town. The amenities in Europe are so well organised I haven't regretted it for a moment.

I love biking through leafy suburbs and park roads every morning. I will never go back to being a congestioncuck.

I do.

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Don't live near immigrants and it's fine.


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