Persians look aryan as fuck

How can we ever compete with such beauty?

Attached: Mahmoud-Ahmadinejad-2006.jpg (400x300, 16.84K)

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Attached: potato.jpg (853x898, 63.94K)

They used to be aryans. You compete by stealing european genes like you've always done.. Your best looking females are all pretty much slavic (mostly Russian) on a genetic level

Attached: 1653137492712.png (787x2078, 1.17M)

shut up shahar.

What are your thoughts on pic

oh how I miss him,damn time goes fast.

Attached: mahmoodandmonke.jpg (688x459, 68.47K)

Iranian babies look peculiar

He tries too hard. Soleimani mogged this George Clooney try hard

There's no such thing as "Aryan" you braindead retard. It used to mean Indo European language speaker, now it's just a larp word for Neo Nazi chuds and Hindu nationalists. Also, the religion Zoroastrianism (the first monotheistic religion) was founded in Iran, and had nothing to do with your magical Scythians.

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Sounds like shitskin diaspora cope

we are mostly hairy and swarthy and brown but you can see white-looking people here once in a blue moon depending on the region.I think the genetic chart is actually quite accurate.

Sounds like you're a braindead chud who fantasizes about a random larp word that doesn't mean anything. We always looked the same because we're indigenous descendants of the Elamites.

Attached: Cisgender Iranian dna results.jpg (602x602, 131.38K)

Sounds like poopskin cope, ancient Persians were depicted as fair skinned in ancient times.

majooseya is not monotheistic and atenism is older

کسخله فکر میکنه که قبل اسلام ایرانی ها سفید پوست بودن بعد از اسلام رنگ پوستمون عوض شد. شر و ور های نژاد پرست های اروپایی که فکر میکنن نژاد اریایی وجود داره مثلا

Attached: تخت جمشید.png (1214x812, 2.37M)

Aryans aren't white eurocucks. Stop appropriating parsis you non history having cumskin

1. Ancient Persians depicted themselves as curly haired (like regular West Asians)
2. White skinned can't handle the sun of the Middle East, they were obviously brown like the modern people
3. There is a genetic continuity between Ancient Persians and modern cisgender Iranian people, Arab cultural influences and religious imposition had little to no effect on our genetics. We look like them because we were always their neighbors.

Now go Larp about how King Tut was a ginger

Zoroastrianism is monotheistic

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Still sounds like turdskin cope, just admit that you're racemixed

You Arabs are very ignorant about Zoroastrianism

Attached: Basic+Beliefs_+Misconceptions_.jpg (960x720, 135.53K)

>no rebuttals or debunking of anything I said.

I accept your concession. Now go get stabbed by Ngubu.

Attached: جنگ های هخامنشی.png (1709x939, 128.13K)

ayo daniel ur so cool bro
hop on our server its anti cisgender evil women



I don't use discord because I'm not a teenager. Also I don't hate cisgender Iranian women, that was just a phase. Also, only fellow cisgender Iranian males are allowed to use my name.

Attached: III+Main+Beliefs+of+Zoroastrianism.jpg (960x720, 169.93K)