ITT: Films That Take Place (Mostly) In A Single Night

I recently watched Naked and After Hours and absolutely loved the premise+setting. Kino like Die Hard are acceptable but I'm looking for more cerebral experiences. Post recommendations.

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Naked is quite possibly my favorite film

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The Invitation
Midnight in Paris
That movie where that guy has to take care of his niece for the night and takes her bowling
Boys in the Trees

Night on Earth
After Hours
Miracle Mile
Dazed and Confused
The Breakfast Club
Buffet Froid (mostly)

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Eyes wide shut

Midnight trilogy. On all different nights though.

4 Rooms

Masters of the Universe

Phone booth

The Warriors (1979)

Good Time
The Warriors
Collateral was all in one night, right? I haven't seen it in 15 years or so, can't remember.

Groundhog Day :^)

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into the night
midnight run
the edge
no way out
the package


I saw Naked when I was like 14. I so deeply regret it.

The Vast of Night
Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes
Escape from New York / LA
Night of the Living Dead

Death and the maiden
My night with Maude

Phone booth is actually in real time

I’ve actually never seen it but the premise is kino

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don't, that's one of the worst movies I've ever seen

My Dinner with Andre

Running Scared
