Movies like this?

Movies like this?

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I used to have friends in my teens and 20s but I’ve driven everyone away by becoming more and more of an autistic asshole the older I got in my 30s

Taxi driver
Synecdoche, New York
Anything by Charlie Kaufman really

normies say this when they feel they aren't getting enough likes and comments on their social media

Zero Charisma

It's crazy to think that not too long ago almost everyone was married before 25 and it lasted for life, our ancestors would weep if they could see what we've done to ourselves

>Anything by Charlie Kaufman
Even Kung fu panda 2?

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ok boomer

exactly the same as me

Just wanna be left alone

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Well you're on Any Forums and /vt/ no less so that checks out


What kind of loser has zero friends?

At what point does loneliness become chronic and what if you enjoy solitude?

What's it about?

very few people
thisis accurate. Everything younglings do is for attention now. 10/10 girls post about being ugly just so simps and beta girls will comment and compliment her etc. Claiming "no friends" is the same shit.

you are my only social interaction here
i cant function irl anymore

Ever see that guy on Any Forums who posts pictures of his walmart break room? He's the cinematographer, and the film is about a very lonely, traumatized man self inserting into a family that he develops photos for.
He's soft hearted, timid, not very impressive looking, with a job nearly obsolete. The type of man that could barely survive back then, and kills themselves in droves now.

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I guarantee you it's higher than that. Most people wouldn't want to admit they don't have friends. Along with people counting online friends as real friends it's probably closer to 30-40%.

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*cough*... i don't feel so good, bros...

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>loneliness can be helpful

I more or less ghosted all my longterm friends after high school. Struggled terribly to make friends in college during a time when socializing had become Facebook oriented. Eventually I gave up on trying to have any friends, however I had opportunities after college that I seldom took because it felt tiresome and unfulfilling.
Its been close to 10 years since Ive hungout with another person.

30% would mirror the sexless statistics. We are living in hell.

Ok, lemme do some quik mafs...

Social media × an increase in anxiety and insecurities + decline in social skills + at-home entertainment (streaming shows, games, etc) - snowflakes who like feeling sorry for themselves and/or the idea of being a "lone wolf" but actually have a healthy social life = 9%

22% is way off

The first time I watched A Simple Plan I thought Billy Bob Thornton’s character was pathetic. I thought I had a life of girlfriends then marriage and a fruitful career in whatever and plenty of time to obtain it, but instead I became Billy Bob from Simple Plan.

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cause they think all their friends are "toxic" so they cut them off

also this,
personally, felt really identified with the little grinch of the early scenes

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what happened to us millennials

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you got what you deserve

>What kind of loser has zero friends?
I would say I have zero now. I used to have a lot but you lose them as you age and in my 30s the last few I had I just slowly drifted away from.

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My only close friends these days are my group of old high school friends (we all live in different parts of the country but talk literally every day) and my co-workers (whom I hang out with once week after work).
It’s not so bad I guess even if the only women I ever actually talk with are my friends’ gfs.

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Internet and vidya probably ruined us (though I still love both).

friends are for faggots

havent made a friend in 10 years. Lost my only friend in 4 years now. Barely any acquaintances.
I'm that guy that gets drunk alone and sleeps on my chair on the computer.

I can get people to hang with me one on one and I have buddies who express affection for me but im not really popular so people might assume I have no friends.

Really the problem here is that people are overly wrapped up in their image and having lots of followers and acquaintances. Being "cool" is pointless if you're a retard with little ability to connect with others.

it's not unusual
even the princess of taiwan has no friends

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yeah same

Someone not making any effort to maintain current friends nor make new friends.

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Literally me.

One thing I came to realize in my 30s is that adolescence when you look back on it is mostly a myth and you never noticed people around you were friends with had tons of shit going on and they had to see you acting like a happy delusional weeb/gamer.
Most of them give up nerd shit, drink through their 20s, then live in apartments they can't afford or get married.
The dudes I hung out with all got 7 day jobs with weird hours.
One of them randomly decided to just kill himself for no reason, hadn't seen him regular for years because of his job and he grew up.

Generation X was really the first generation to try and practice having 'real friends' still after high school/college, and honestly its pretty soi.

My parents are literal boomers, I was born in the 80s. My Dad didn't have "friends" when I was kid. He just had bar buddies, and once a year would throw a Christmas party for his co workers. My Mom didn't have friends either. Their generation just didn't need that shit.

If you're still trying to hang out with people after work that aren’t work related or somehow not a business buddy, you are basically a turbo faggot

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I was probably too pretentious to them eventually and the fact I live with my well off parents and avoided a bunch of their issues pissed them off secretly.

I'm lucky enough at still at least have 1 friend who I smoke weed and drink with on occasion and even make music with. If/when he dies I'll be all alone.


Your parents sound like turbo faggots

Literally me. Lost the ones I had through inaction and turned down requests from work colleagues that would become friendships because I just want to be alone. I don't want to make the effort and don't feel like I need the company any more.

>I'm that guy that gets drunk alone and sleeps on my chair on the computer
I was that guy for many years up until about 6 months ago. I must have blacked out/passed out in front of my computer over 500 times. It was always funny waking up and reading what I had posted on Any Forums post-blackout.

>One of them randomly decided to just kill himself for no reason
I'm sure there was a reason.