Tell us about spooky, creepy, weird experiences you have had in your country

Tell us about spooky, creepy, weird experiences you have had in your country

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I live alone but my toilet seat is warm whenever I come home from work.

the dutch wants to hear a rape story so he could goon to it

do you mean actually warm or just not cold?

I seent shit

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I almost drowned when I was a kid in the deep water it was cold and deep since then I hate jews

what im looking at?

such as?

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actually warm

and when you stay at home, does the seat become colder? like at night?
can just be that it gets heated because of sun light shining on it through a window or something

Strange creatures come out at night

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And where do you see the creatures in those pics?

but there is nothing strange in that photo
just dirty lens

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I used to live in the mountains in a small village things were scary one time i was on a trip and decided to head to the nearest public shower when i was showering i noticed something in next shower to me the guy had goat like legs i got horrified so i got out and told the security guy those people have weird goat legs then he showed me his leg and said like this at that moment i nearly became crazy i ran away fastest i could that was weirdest experience ihave ever had

>and said like this at that moment

Behind the plant, at the base of the tree

He had goat legs too and showed them to me and said like this i just don't use commas

that's a cat

do he showed you his own goat legs? are you sure he wasn't just very hairy? or pulling a prank?

that's some tiny animal that's not even remotely scary

No, this is a cat and he was terrified of whatever that creature was

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It was at night and i saw two guys with goat legs then the security guy isaw jis hoofs and i don't think that was a prank

leave the drugs man

>looking for keys
>spend like half an hour walking into every room, searching every nook and cranny
>suddenly spot them right in the middle of an empty table
>passed that fucking table atleast a dozen times and looked directly at it for prolonged moments, literally ZERO chance I could have missed it

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>literally ZERO chance
lol wtf are you talking about
that is a very common thing, we ignore things based on thinking we have already checked them
people even forget their glasses when it's already on their head

I don't have spooky experiences.
The spooky things in my house are the fridge alwys cracking and the kitchen faucet always leaking and making noise too

fix the fucking faucet

Maybe i was cursed by the witch that i thrown rocks at

I was looking out the window at night and saw a massive wolf-looking animal turning the corner for a split second. Could have just been a big dog, but it was massive.