Isnt it odd that while britain was the first major European country to overthrow the monarchy back in 1648 they...

Isnt it odd that while britain was the first major European country to overthrow the monarchy back in 1648 they reintroduced it a couple years later and kept it ever since.
Literally why?
You had successfully uncucked yourself and you willingly went back to cucking yourself WITHOUT any foreign pressure to do so (like France)
And if that wasn't enough they then let themselves get cucked by foreign dutch and german royal families too...

Attached: 1390px-UK_Outline_and_Flag.svg.png (1390x2048, 221.07K)

you speak another countries language

they just did it for a laugh m8

just banter m8

You don't have exclusive ownership of the English language which is half German anyways... meanwhile you live in a country with an actual aristocracy and royal family who are your superior just by virtue of being born

speak welsh

We're Anglo-Saxon. Our ancestors were the ones who conquered and annihilated the W*lsh.

Attached: hengist and horsa.jpg (1519x1501, 1.01M)

They didn't "cuck" themselves to William III or the Georges, they illegally invited them over, and in so doing established the uncontested dictatorship of parliament. That was the beginning of English materialism and the ruin of the Occident.

Yeah dude imagine having a king in the current year

>meanwhile you live in a country with an actual aristocracy and royal family who are your superior just by virtue of being born
Your point? Rich powerful dynasties exist in every country. Ours are just globally famous.

The UK was not a country in 1648

>look at me mom, i learned how to be pedantic on the internet!

because you are an uncultured faggot
british revolution wasnt about republicanism but was about becoming the christian taliban theocracy under cromwell

of course this pissed off the few sane brits left that rather keep the old regime than these new schizo

btw cromwell banned music and dancing too

Moronic embarrassing response

Even more moronic follow up. You're not a medieval anglo saxon, you're a Briton of the 21st century. The Welsh weren't exterminated, the Romano-Britons adopted anglo saxon culture inside the area of England, and the Romano-Britons retained the Brythonic tongue (Welsh) in the area of Wales.

The last time England was an actual real sovereign country, it was run by the Welsh, and it included Wales as a proper part of it.

Half the land in your country is literally owned by aristocrats who dress up in fancy clothing and literally still make up the upper house of your parliament.
The royal family gets all the good offices in your armies handed to them
This isn't normal in 2022, this is almost Saudi Arabia tier

Its not pedantic
It was not a country

>t. Gwilym

The king ruled over the same territory and was ousted from all of them. The difference is purely semantics

went from absolute monarchy to absolute dictatorship to constitutional monarchy.

why we went to constitutional monarchy i don't really understand. oliver cromwell's son just seems to have been some sort of idiot who couldn't be bothered to be dictator.

LARPing horsaspastic

Was only thing keeping their country together.