Was Will in the right?

was Will in the right?

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Is that why they are pretending it was fake?

>Another episode of OP being a schizo
All I see is people rightfully blaming Jada for basically making their relationship toxic as fuck

I've seen them not blaming wypipo exactly, but racializing it to be about "Black Women and their historically complicated relationship with their hair."

Check BuzzFeed or where twitter libtards get their talking points from, I'm sure you'll find some articles like that written by some ratfaced jews.

its better than saying "oh shit they're actually still niggers and we're acting like they're civilized"

>rightoids thinking everything is culture war bullshit

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>rightoids obsessively thinking about what leftists are thinking so they can be appropriately be contrarian and not accidentally agree with them

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hello discord trannies

You forgot to take your meds.


>hello discord trannies

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>the right are shilling the oscars
reverse psychology, the left are the true 4D chess masters

>You forgot to take your meds

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There was no right or wrong for Will here, he did the only thing his broken spirit could muster because he is a rat in a cage. Chris instigated it by knowingly poking fun at a broken man's weak spot.

>three posts all exactly one minute apart
He mad

celebrities should murder each other for our collective amusement. will did not go far enough

>three posts all exactly one minute apart

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reminder that this is what Any Forumstards look like in real life

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I got a good kek from that image I did.

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Haha crazy

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Leftoids don't look much better at all. Cue the communism poster holders. Retard.

>No it's hecking real, pay attention to the oscars and give us hecking relevance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>No, the first one I took my phone off mobile data so it doesn't count as mine!

but I don't look like that

So they're pretty average looking while you redditroons all look like this?

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