Is it true that Christian Arabs are actually not Arabs but Slavs same way like Pakistanis are not Indian but Turks?

Is it true that Christian Arabs are actually not Arabs but Slavs same way like Pakistanis are not Indian but Turks?

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>Roman catholic assyrian

Idolatry is condemned in the Bible so any religion practicing idolatry cannot be christian

A lot of them like to larp, ironic considering the most hardline arab nationalists were all christians

Attached: arabi.png (1615x128, 36.9K)

did your elders assign you to work as JWDF on the internet? otherwise you wouldn't have enough time to sit here 24/7 as you should be knocking your neighbors' doors rn

Anything that comes out the mouth of an assyrian or leb*nese Christian should be ignored. The are brainwashed retards 90% of the time. We are ARABS. I don't give a fuck about Europeans. We are 100% semitic. We are not franks. No crusaders, go home. Everybody with basic intelligence knows that arab identity has nothing to do with genetics. Fuck all this zionist pushed larp shit
>t. Christcuck Palestinian

>Christian Arabs are actually not Arabs but Slavs
>Pakistanis are not Indian but Turks?
Also wrong

He should feel strong disgust for his Slavic side then.

it's funny how all muslims of the world want to associate themselves with Arabs while 100% Arab Christians try to distance themselves from Arabs now, just like Arab culture was defined by islam

I'm at work

yes, i've noticed it, i don't believe someone could shill for JWs all day long for free

literal larp ethnicity created by a britisher missionary

Some christian arabs are so fucking cringe, they make it their whole identity that theyre a christian from MENA and "le only civilized" or whatever.
>listen guys I call it god instead of allah so despite all other cultural things we have in common and looking alike Im totally something else!!

>We are not franks. No crusaders, go home

do Arab Christians also think they stem directly from crusaders? That's based desu

>they make it their whole identity that theyre a christian from MENA

so literally Pakis of MENA, right

>100% Arab Christians try to distance themselves from Arabs
Many of my relatives died for the pan arabist and palestinian cause, alongside their muslim brothers. Ignore the flag, this was before the USA overtly involved themselves with the zionists. At this point I will use my position at the heart of the empire to help, as opposed to leaving. This is what the zionists did
No we don't. Culture trumps religion any day of the week. Euros don't belong in Palestine as conquerors and rulers. Like jews, they should have come as immigrants and infused/elevated the society they entered, not invade, destroy, kill, and expell

you can blame the muslim brotherhood for this, jesus i want to behead every single one of their members

arab christians are much more in touch with the west and after how 9/11 impacted the image of arabs it shouldnt be a surprise that people dont want to be called arabs nowadays

also most of that non arab muslims trying to larp as arabs by saying muh sayyid are just a bunch of people whose ancestors faked being arab to avoid taxes

the benujumea family in spain is more plausible to be called arab as theyre the second richest family in andalusia and actually descend from the house of umayya as there wouldve been no benefits to calling yourself a descendant of them in christian spain

how is the pisslamic brotherhood on arab cunts? have you eradicated them already?

Middle Eastern Christians should be saved at all costs and the west should do everything to secure their further existence.

>I work in a library

wtf, do your elders accept it? it's such a useless kind of work, will serve no purpose after the Armaggeddon, you should learn some craftsmanship instead

inshallah it happens and i want to be at the forefront of the mass stoning

us led invasion of iraq, war in syria, lebanese crisis and the naqba have probably displaced at least half of christian arabs and this all happened in the last 150 years and all of it was due to anglo french interference

i dont think thats jwanon because i dont see the typical autistic images and texting style this seems more "laconic"

i'm part lebanese and i don't look slav

stop disrespecting my ancestors.

I like the library. In paradise I will have all the time in the world to learn craftmanship.