My wife, lemme tell ya

>my wife, lemme tell ya
>I’m in roughy shape cause of my wife
>Last night I was at the Oscar’s and Chris Rock made fun of her, made her cry, she got all bent out of shape
>I went to slap him in the face, but she was sitting on it!

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My wife's so ugly that Chris Rock slapped her in the face

>dude adultery lmao
>dude my real name is literally COHEN but I'm such a cool WASP white boy DANGERFIELD!

clown country.

Mad you won't ever be American, Elton?

a man with a very small dick typed this post

Rodney is one of the good ones

>already projecting
Not gonna be a good thread for you

dirty kike

I get no respect at all. I won the oscar for best actor, I asked my wife if she's impressed, she said it'll just be one more naked guy in our closet.

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>I tell ya, my wife really gave it to me on the drive back home. Not as badly as the other two guys in the back seats though.

he literally isn't though. he changed his name to hide the fact that he's a kike, encouraged other kikes to do the same, and made his entire persona about being a literal cuck

suck my weenie

>people didn't know Rodney was jewish


All Rodney did was basically repackage the typical way Italians talk to each other, constant banter or a zing at any possible opportunity. He's still one of the good ones though.

>I tell ya, i tell you, my wife says I'm everybody's doormat! Well at least I'm not the rap community's cum rag!

Right? If you couldn't tell he was a jew then you have no jewdar at all.

>No respect I tell ya. No respect.

I tell you I get no respect...

>My wife tells me everyone walks all over me, I'm like a rug. I decided to make myself useful, so I laid down on her head.

>I tell ya, I'm not too bright either... She told me to write my Will, I told her to write her Yul Brynner

>*is one of the most respected and revered human beings of all time*

>My wife, I tell ya, she told me to wait til August arrives. I asked her what happens in August. She told me the same thing that happens in April, May, June, and July

> I get no respect, no respect at all
> a comedian told me my wife looked like G.I. Jane
> boy was she sore, then I realized it was because of August's cock in her ass

>I tell ya, my sex life, you kidding me? I ain't got no sex life. The wife cut me down to once a month. Oh I'm lucky, two guys I know she cut out completely

"Man changes his name to hide from evil people out to get the Jews!" says evil man out to get the Jews.