This is the best film i have ever watched

this is the best film i have ever watched

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it's just really well done in all aspects. pacing, casting, acting, music, sounds, vfx, story, writing, choreography, camera work, it's all just brilliantly done. and apart from that i just love the setting and main character. the whole film just immerses you so well into the world because it moves naturally scene by scene letting you really take everything in, instead of rushing through everything autistically like some 1 + a half hour marvel film.

>best film
>jared leto

roughly how many films have you seen?

name 1 (one) better film than br2049

Good movie but I can't take Denis seriously after looking him up in interviews and thinking about him conjuring these morose scenarios
He just looks and speaks so funny despite making movies about such serious subject matter that I can picture him making offhand comments about every scene
>ah yes so err... ze reflecshuon of ze wavez on ze wall er, reprezents, ze cubeec millileeterz of zperm zat zeckard lost maztoorbating to rachel'z ass
It's not even the fact that he's french but his face too, everything about him looks like a real life adaptation of Simpson's parody of what an autistic French director would be

Attached: denis-villeneuve-blade-runner-2049-interview[1].jpg (1429x2000, 458.88K)

The Departed

seething carnivore

Why does every poster look like a mcu poster now?


>i just love the setting and main character
You wouldn't happen to be someone who's artistic or extremely popular with the ladies, would you?

? what do you mean

This movie was targeted for kids, stop watching it

You might like these other kinos

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Yeah this is a cringe poster and doesn’t fit with the blade runner theme at all

>81627191626712 Marvel films exist
>only 2 blade runner films exist
How do I cope?

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Since I've already seen it so many times I can look around the screen every scene searching for tiny details.

And yes this is my favourite film also

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Watch the first one, you might like it.

with the Blade Runner short films

It's near the top for me and it will age well just like the original BR.


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I watched BR Black Lotus the other day. It's worth watching if you're into the BR universe.

I think you may be the weird one here

Go all in:

blue velvet

What did K do to hide Deckard again? I haven't seen the film since it was in theaters.