Behold, the moment where Star Wars declined into the shitshow it is now

Behold, the moment where Star Wars declined into the shitshow it is now.

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Retconning Swtor was a sin fuck those guys.

Wrong pic, bruh.

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But you posted the wrong pic

Star Wars was good for 3 years. 1977 to 1980. That's literally it.

nah it was ROTJ. return had two good scenes, the Han Solo rescue and the Luke vs Vader and Palpatine scenes, outside of that it was as bad as the Star Wars Holiday Special or the Prequels.

It was good until 2007.

Revenge of the sith was pretty fun. All others have so much potential but they wasted it with stupid plotlines about shield generators and hiding from the empire or some stupid shit that wasn’t the Jedi vs Sith.

You know what OP shut your whore mouth.

I watched this hoping it would change my mind and unfortunately it was mediocre. That donut steel zabrak is cringe in every way possible and Maul shouldn't be alive to begin with. Plus the way they move is just jarring and weird to watch, like they want to have the OG clone wars cartoon's style of action but can't really pull it off. Going 3D really was a mistake.
You'll have to do better than that.

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>brings dead characters back for no reason
>invents time travel so new characters can't die
>brings a bunch of badass female warrior OC into the franchise
>initially tries to fit in to the continuity, gives up after bad ratings and starts overwriting previous multimedia project content which results in the yidsney canon schism
>entire characterizations based around "well my new character that totally isn't a remake of an established character was actually the best friend of anakin and everyone wanted to be them" eg. rex and jailbait alien
>3DCGI is ugly and can only have a limited scale and assets on screen at once
>releases alongside force unleashed, which has the same problems

it's like everything that made the prequels cool, but they did the exact opposite this time. I still think it died when forces of corruption came out but it's not really a big difference

The Last Jedi saved the series but redditors rejected it, now we are at square one again

That's cute. Here's a big boy lightsaber duel though.

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C'mon is Sheev kicking ass right before Anakin turns

Why does this feel so weightless?

epic anime swordfight with fake CGI cartoons feels weightless??

It was good until 1983 faggot.

Correct, but it's weird because it feels weightless but also stilted? I dunno it's just awkward to watch.

Go back to fucking reddit fag.


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Based Dave Filoni and his shit characters ruined Star Wars the only good Clone Wars is Tartakovsky Clone Wars the Republic comics and EU books

There is no falling damage on clone wars Obi and Anakin jump from gunships at retarded heights

I'd say lifeless sounds more accurate to what you're describing.

>>initially tries to fit in to the continuity, gives up after bad ratings and starts overwriting previous multimedia project content which results in the yidsney canon schism
This was a big one for me. Nobody talks bout how EU fans got screwed even before Disney came into the picture.

Only one Shaak ti episode fuck that.

more ugly lifeless clone wars clips to remind you just how great this show was in its animation, storytelling and action scenes

If they're ugly and lifeless by your admission why would I want to watch them?

EU was never canon

It's pre-Disney. That's how wrong you are.

Never canon, always stolen from though.
Weird how that works.

That's like half the movie, not two scenes.

Plenty of good SW vidya after 1980.