Here is this italian man I was telling you about

Here is this italian man I was telling you about

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Lmao why do these people keep claiming they are white?

Brendan Schaub is American though??

common italian look

Whitest Italian Male.

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what were you telling me about?

How white italians are

Australia did it again


Magna graecia hoplite
Roman legion soldier

Yesterday on a boat trip there was an Italian girl who could very easily pass in India.

Damn they finally learned how to sail there in croatia? Wonder when they'll start to use the wheel

Do Italians get to suffer prejudice in their own country or when they travel to Germany? Or Poland? And so on? Genuine question, no irony.

Yes in germany we get called "Scheissehautmann" because of the color of our skin

What does that mean? I don't speak German. Poopskin? Anyway I'm not here to make racial jokes, surely it must suck to get discrimination in your own continent by your own neighbors. At least don't command you to go back to Italy, right? Unlike Turks, Nafris and so on.

Please wog

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>At least don't command you to go back to Italy, right?
oh sweet summer child
>Unlike Turks, Nafris and so on
How could they even know the difference? We even speak with the same tone

i love australians.

Shit man, I'm sorry to heart that. Did you experience prejudice yourself when traveling to Germany, Poland or in any of those countries where the majority is pale white? How was it like?

once I was going in munich for holiday, by train. After we entered Austria, at the first station there, the local austrian police got on the train and started checking the Identity card of the passengers. But they weren't checking all of them, only those who were arab/indian/brownish at a glance. Germans, Austrians and seemingly white people were ignored. Of course they checked me despite being "european", and after controlling my id card they gave me a look of contempt.

It must suck to be neighbors with them. I'm sure they like to travel to your beaches in the summer and pretend they have never discriminated against Italians, don't they? Because that's Argentinians down here.

Yes. Flocks and flocks of Germans raiding our beaches, digging holes and stealing our women. A fucking hell man

Welp I guess that's just life. Anyway thanks for sharing your experiences. Take care, man.

germanic people are phenotypical racists

if you are arab with blue eyes they will like you more than a brownoid italian or brownoid norwegian

You too dude, don't worry too much and have a good day

>Lmao why do these people keep claiming they are white?
we don't

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Got you man. You've a good day too.
that's how I figured

>Do Italians get to suffer prejudice in their own country or when they travel to Germany
you've never even been to germany larping nagger retard