The people who break Iran sanctions ship the goods to the UAE to get the authorities off their back...

the people who break Iran sanctions ship the goods to the UAE to get the authorities off their back, and then ship it from UAE to Iran. You can't convince me the UAE doesn't know what's going on, so what the fuck is their problem?

Attached: united-arab-emirates-map.gif (900x800, 68.12K)

Friendly reminder that OP is a literal kike.

The sanctions on Iran are fuckin bullshit. I don't think anything UAE does is based because they're just shekel hoarders but I approve of this one.

they are benefitting from this specific situation. that's why they don't oppose the sanctions on Iran, but will still do this to benefit

why do you care? if you think this somehow negatively affects your life you've been thoroughly brainwashed

by profiteering off of the sanctions the UAE funds a terror state and helps Iran develop nuclear capabilities, which btw Iran intends to use on Saudi Arabia

>which btw Iran intends to use on Saudi Arabia
where is the problem?

Breaking western sanctions is based and a morally right way to earn your living.

mass casualty event, global edstabilization, famine, energy crisis, the list goes on...

>mass casualty even
only for Iran and Saudi Arabia
>global edstabilization,
the destruction of all OPEC members is a stabilising factor
>energy crisis

The terror states are America, Saudia arabia and Israel.

>mass casualty event, global edstabilization, famine, energy crisis, the list goes on...

Because Iran is a neighbor of the UAE.
It's in the interest of the UAE to have good relationships with Iran and avoid conflict in order to remain secure for investors/tourists.
Is that difficult to understand?

so what you're saying is unless you keep helping Iran in their quest to build a nuclear weapon, they will start a conflict with you? That you can't stop this practice in order to "avoid conflict"?

I have some news for you, that's called a hostage situation. And you shouldn't be making excuses for it

Why is iran even sanctioned again? Who did they invade?

what's wrong with Iran getting a nuke?
everyone in america, canada and many other countries is allowed to own firearms. every country in the world should be allowed to own nukes. it's a basic right

America broke the iran deal
before that it's because they threw out their puppet king.

good, sanctions never work anyway

muzzdogs are too mentally ill to have nukes

theyre trying to build nukes, the P5 overlords dont like the peasabt nations gaining equal footing

You would rather the UAE be openly aggressive against Iran (with no guarantees of US protection) and destroy its own economy instead?

>Is that difficult to understand?
Most countries don't have to help nations next to them screw the yanks or else they get armed proxies and/or terrorist attacks on their soil, so yes.

Most countries don't have to juggle between security arrangements between Iran and the US either.

Then what about Pakistan?