
*DING DING DONG* edition


Attached: 1592671983267.png (1000x800, 1.2M)

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darading daradong

good evening

good morning mai broder
woke up an hour ago, still haven't done a poo
pray for my bowel movements
i will pray for yours when i unload

I've been offered to do small video montage for some money so now I'm studying powerdirector software, thoughts on my first project?


why are shartistanis like this

Attached: why.png (446x556, 40.98K)

pray for rain instead
I have no issues with moving my bowels, but I can't make it rain

just tell your government to use their weather machine

rare iki

saw a tick on my leg about 25 minutes ago
had to take shower with soap and everything fucking bastard arachnids
feds hate farmers

good night

>saw a tick on my leg about 25 minutes ago
either wear longer panths or don't walk in tall grass

Two words: menstrual blood clots


Gledam te i se shokiram
Za kvo te viknah oshte ne razbiram


Another day of billion degree weather

Would you rather be in Siberia snow in june? Embrace your maymoon heritage

Give me the redpill on NFTs

I am Nordic (Macedonian)
I cannot take this heat

Alexander the Great's death was the biggest disaster that happened to Greeks.

If he hadn't passed from that fever, he would have invaded the turkomongolian lands and subdue the ancient slavs and turks to do the Greek bidding before they'd dare to come to the Haemus.

Attached: 1280px-Asia_323bc.jpg (1280x733, 375.29K)

New virgo album just dropped


Attached: trpblonr0lr31.jpg (343x361, 20.95K)