/lang/ - language learning general

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Any Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

[UPDATED] Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:
Older version:mega.nz/#F!x4VG3DRL!lqecF4q2ywojGLE0O8cu4A
Newer version:mega.nz/folder/INlRkAQC#CthKI9-_kmDNyrOx12Ojbw

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

Russianon's list of comprehensible input resources:

Pastebin that archives challenges:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?


Attached: dialetti italiani.png (2000x2286, 389.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fica sta map

Attached: shenzhen.jpg (1920x3240, 1.41M)

I wanna learn japanese just to brag that I know a language with weird ass symbols

old challenge:

Sfida: edizione SPY×FAMILY

Prima volta che faccio questo kek

Anya è telepatica.
Anya ama mamma e papà.
Anya vuole essere una catgirl nera.
Anya tiene in mano una bottiglia di latte e un microfono.

Mi chiamo Yor Forger e lavoro come assassino.
Ho avuto un finto matrimonio con Loid Forger per mantenere il mio lavoro.
Anche se non so essere una buona madre, sto facendo del mio meglio per prendermi cura di Anya.

Io, Loid Forger, o meglio, Twilight come nome in codice, sono in missione per spiare il leader di un partito la cui esistenza è una minaccia per la pace tra due paesi.
Tuttavia, costruire questa finta famiglia per questa missione non è stato un compito facile a causa della sua natura a lungo termine e dei fattori fuori controllo che sono Anya e Yor.

Tradotto con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versione gratuita)

Still un-corrected


Veteran inputters, please describe your stories. Especially if your story involves overcoming the initial feeling of not making any progress.

/lang/ study motivation music

Been doing a bit of inpooting myself lately

not music but this motivates the hell out of me every time I watch it

You will NEVER learn Russian

Attached: 1623282989231.jpg (604x516, 63.98K)

Apparently I won't, since I already speak it.

i can't atke ita nymore bros i can't do it i can't learn a fuckingl word every time i think i learn something i forget it and every word is preslavsloyobschenschinye (translation: "open")

it's impossible it's impossible it's impossible

Attached: 5d.jpg (417x417, 49.25K)

cyrillic please

I wanna learn italian since I'm half italian. Dont know if I should learn my ancestor's regional dialect (venetian) to honor them or just learn the globohomo italian tho.

>Dont know if I should learn my ancestor's regional dialect (venetian) to honor them or just learn the globohomo italian tho.
Italian will more resources than the dialect.

I'm aware. There will be both more resources and real life applicability, but I don't know, I feel it would be rad to speak such a specific, rather unknown language. Also, I feel like nonno and nonna would be proud.

Learn standard Italian, then pick up Veneto with your Italian knowledge. Problem solved.

then you have to memorise the weird ass symbols

you use "weird ass symbols" every single day

emojis, street signs, even brand logos are literally the same thing as hieroglyphs

why is friuli not colored, wtf 99% of them speak italian and that's not something recent

I still cant roll my R's

Attached: 1632131805392.gif (200x210, 437.06K)

>tried changing siri to french
>can't correctly pronounce dis siri

Attached: 1540875262522.png (550x535, 287.83K)

Pretty based solution, kyrgybro. Not sure how my dumb macaco brain hadnt thought about that.