Indigenous native americans will go extinct within your lifetime

>Indigenous native americans will go extinct within your lifetime.

Attached: pepe-crying.gif (498x416, 88.51K)

Other urls found in this thread: 23 Población indígena en el medio rural.pdf

they will live on in latinx blood, muttstizo

Don't worry, Froggy.

More casinos = More people claiming to be native

Mongolians still exist bro

you will never be a native
you will never be mexican

Native americans here don't have casinos, they do drink a lot of coca cola though.

It doesn't matter user, Native Americans have people like Shannon O'Loughlin who is half Polish and half Native American to help keep Native American identity alive!

Seems like this is the new mexico thread so:
Some of the sources are from the 70s and 80s, and use blood group method for the estimation, and one paper is already mentioned in this post.
Following the actual genetic papers, we have pic related, with the latest paper with the highest sample size, showing an average of Amerindian admixture between 60% and 70% in CDMX.

Attached: cdmx.png (1476x1102, 204.68K)

What mental illness is this?

No need to insult me, user. I'm contributing to the thread.

How does a bunch of mutts being chosen to take part of a non-representative study somewhat related to the fact that indigenous native american fertility is most likely below replacement?

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-2tEfBZ90d7KQ6c.jpg (708x1390, 173.89K)

The OG natives: East Asian and Polynesians are still alive and well

>How does
It refutes your denial of genetic papers.
Amerindian fertility rates has been already addressed before:
"Average indigenous fertility (urban+rural) is superior to national fertility rate. Additionally, rural fertility is even higher than national one. And these don't count the indigenous that don't speak Amerindian languages." 23 Población indígena en el medio rural.pdf

¿Por qué hay menos hablantes de lenguas indigenas en el 2010 a comparación de 1970, qué clase de "indigenización es esta?

Attached: wfdw.png (634x240, 44.54K)

It seems like you forgot to read the text above the chart.
>La población de hablantes de lenguas indígenas se ha incrementado en su volumen absoluto, sin precedente histórico, más que duplicándose respecto a la reportada en 1970
>qué clase de
Cultural indigenization reflects on how indigenous languages have spread to the middle-class and indigenous problems became a common topic in current society.
Demographic indigenization has been shown with both anecdotal evidence of any old people who can see the increasement of brown presence in the city, and genetic evidence posted before.

Anglo americans are the original Native Americans, so you are right still

>>Indigenous native americans will go extinct within your lifetime.
Cholos won't though

I welcome my Turk brothers across the sea to the TURAN brotherhood

>"Average indigenous fertility (urban+rural) is superior to national fertility rate. Additionally, rural fertility is even higher than national one. And these don't count the indigenous that don't speak Amerindian languages."

>La población de hablantes de lenguas indígenas se ha incrementado en su volumen absoluto
Kel, la población de hablantes de español en Mexico aumento de 50 millones a 130 millones en ese mismo tiempo. Mientras que las poblaciones que hablan una lengua indigena se duplico, la cantidad de hablantes de Español casi se triplico. Eso no suena muy "indigenizado".

>how indigenous languages have spread to the middle-class
>and indigenous problems became a common topic in current society

>Demographic indigenization has been shown with both anecdotal evidence of any old people who can see the increasement of brown presence in the city
¿Fuentes? La evidencia sugiere lo contrario
> Lo que publica el gobierno de México en cambio es el porcentaje de «mexicanos de piel clara» que hay en el país, siendo 47% en 2010 y 49% en 2017

>and genetic evidence posted before.
La evidencia genetica y de fecundidad sugiere lo contrario.

>Institute a one-drop rule
>promote indigenous culture
Boom, natives saved.

''indigenous native americans'' ayyy el saltamuros analfabeto

Cheer up, their colonizers will be gone next

Attached: 80EC6F52-3F84-4039-A78B-C7568C0B073B.jpg (634x400, 14.52K)

go run those calcs on mormon and amish pops, oilnigger.

>Lo que publica el gobierno de México en cambio es el porcentaje de «mexicanos de piel clara» que hay en el país, siendo 47% en 2010 y 49% en 2017.

Hispanics aren't native

one drop of european blood makes you non-indigenous according to them though

White europeans will go extinct too
i dont give a shit about "indigenous native americans"

>one drop of european blood makes you non-indigenous according to them though
Interesting. Here, you have "Indians" who are 1/216ths native and are still considered parts of their respective tribes.
Are you sure all natives in Mexico are 100% native and aren't like 4% Euro or something because of centuries of miscegenation?

this is why the mexican user seethes at indios

Attached: kek.jpg (480x272, 24.71K)

kek, that poor spic can't even speak enlgish correctly