Economic inequality is bad and we have to do something about it

>economic inequality is bad and we have to do something about it
>sexual inequality isn't bad because... because... WE JUST DON'T HAVE TO OKAY?

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lefty normies are all like:
>nooo not everyone is responsible for his own fate, people just need to be given stuff
but when it comes to anything their fucking normoid brain associates with "incels" they're all like
>lol your own fault
>lol fucking loser
>lol fix yourself
>you're not entitled to anything

>sexual inequality isn't bad because... because... WE JUST DON'T HAVE TO OKAY?

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just dip into whores you fucking stunad

chud thread

What the fuck is sexual inequality.

when capitalism finally collapses, so will rule of law and social media. this will mean that women have nothing protecting them from my shrimp dick and retard strength :3

>>sexual inequality
is that why white boys become trannies?

I knew it would be a polish thread

The problem with incels is just that, an issue of entitlement. They could easily get women, but they want 10/10 beautiful Stacy and nothing else. An unlike Chads, they want that high value woman to come to them and do everything for them.

When people discuss economic equality and the things people have a "right" to (basic healthcare, food, shelter) it isn't luxury, it's the basics. If people want luxury they have to go get it themselves. But incels don't want the basics, they want luxury without having to work for it.

woman can go out and get railed 30 times in a single day
you can't

i meant get laid

>the things people have a "right" to (basic healthcare, food, shelter)
none of these things are a right.

I can confidently say that men over there can get railed 30 times as well

Truly retarded take because you KNOW this isn't the case outside of your strawman. Most "incels" would be happy with attention from any woman, but since women simply do not experience rejection in the same way or magnitude that men do, they can pick far beyond their own level of attraction and expect to find someone. Women can only be alone by active choice, and by parroting the stupid nonsense they say to justify their double standards makes you look like a complete tool.

from what I've seen incels will go for 1/10 women and still get rejected because 1/10 women don't want 1/10 guys
Hell, I've been there before. I was a 17 year old virgin and no girl liked me. When I got more attractive, 1/10 girls started liking me. I was so happy that I immediately said yes to any girl who wasn't repulsed by my looks. The result? I had several obese girlfriends although I was muscular and toned with little body fat. That's what happens when guys go from 0/10 to 5/10

The first one affects women, the second one doesn't.

I never said they were, I was addressing the people who say they are a right.

It isn't a strawman, if you were to go onto the big incel forums right now you'd see multiple examples of them rejecting ugly women, or women who aren't stacy. They literally state it and say they are Stacy only. I've spoken to a lot of incels and most have stories of girls who approached them or liked them but they refused them because the girl was fat, or black or just not pretty enough.
Compare this to ugly women who get no attention from men. Men don't like to be approached (unless it's by Stacy ofc) so that's no good, and when they do they are immediately rejected. They aren't chosen in the traditional way either, obviously, so they're far more stuck than any man could be. Men can just accept uglier women or go to SEA and certainly land a woman. There are always options for them.

>Men don't like to be approached
Where did you pull that one from?

>different things are different
most of the people who think economic inequality is a problem don't want harrison bergeron and there is nothing inconsistent about those beliefs.

>examples of them rejecting ugly women
Who wouldn't give them the time of day if they actually interacted. Come on, apply yourself if you're going to shitpost.

Just become a mercenary

There were no incels in the USSR (PBUH).

>The Free Market should solve everything.
>Competition breeds success, the strong & the capable should not wait for the weak & less fortunate.

>Noooo I deserve a free girlfrieeeend.


I see you are refusing to believe any facts that don't fit your world view. Cope as you need to.